Creating Smarter Social Media Campaigns

By now you probably all know that you're missing out on the opportunity of a life time if you're not using social media to build your author brand and market your books. Are you using it successfully though?

It's not enough to just post content. You need to post the RIGHT content and connect with your readers. 

So how do you post the right content and turn your readers into fans? By thinking like a fan of course!

What makes you like Facebook page? What makes you click the "Get notifications" button so you see that pages posts in your newsfeed? What kinds of posts get you liking, sharing, and leaving comments?

This infographic (found at you a few things to think about to help you create smarter social media campaigns:


Also, check out The One Page Social Media Marketing Plan at It's free!

In the comments below, tell me this:

What types of content are working best with your social media audience? How are you engaging your readers?



I love to hear from you. So feel free to comment, but keep in mind the basics of blog etiquette — no spam, no profanity, no slander, etc.

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