To Avoid Writer’s Block

I am sure that you have heard the saying if you are a writer you should always be writing.  I believe that is one of the most truthful statements for writers.  Many authors have asked me how to avoid writer’s block.  This is a serious matter because if you make your living writing or intend to become a full time writer you cannot afford to have writer’s block. I have been a writer my whole life and writing in full time business for 8 years and know how difficult hitting the block is.  But over time I have learned to conquer that issue. I will be sharing a few tips on how to get that done.

Don’t Block Yourself

I stopped looking for writer’s block.  It is amazing what you can do if you tell yourself that I never get writer’s block.  I simply started saying I am a writer and writers write.  That reconditioned my mindset.

Look for Inspiration

When you feel the block coming start looking for sources of writing inspiration.  It could be as simple as watching a leaf fall from a tree and writing about what you saw and how it made you feel.  You might write about what happened at an event or about something new you experienced. Fight the block by writing about anything.  It will help your creative juices start to flow again.

Get a Writing Partner

Sometime talking with others that are also writers can help.  They can challenge you to keep moving or brainstorm with you to get you through the rut.

Start a Daily Journal

Journaling is really a great way to keep the writing momentum.  If you begin to do this everyday your mind will be in optimum mode. I have years of journals and they have been very helpful in my writing career.

Develop Speed Writing

This is the most powerful tool that I have used to avoid writers block.  Sit down at your computer and write whatever comes to mind for 15 minutes.  Do not stop writing until the 15 minutes is up.  The pressure of knowing that you are on the clock helps to pump up creative juices.

I hope that you find these tips of great value.  Good luck with your writing.

Linda Leon is the owner of a full service author support and book marketing company.  If you need assistance please feel free to contact Linda at


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