Rock Your Social Media in 30 Minutes a Day

When it comes to social media one of the most common complaints I hear from writers is "I don't have enough time". We're all aware that marketing via social platforms is a necessity in today's world but creating content consistently, commenting on other peoples posts and replying to comments on older posts takes time.

I'm not sure that 30 minutes a day would really be enough (can you imagine only being on Facebook for 6 minutes?!). That said this infographic by Pardot does highlight the need for a marketing strategy and offers some nice time saving tips.

infographic via Pardot

How much time do you spend on social media a day? Do you think you could realistically spend just 30 minutes a day marketing on social media and still get good results?



  1. Social media Lexington KY marketing can undoubtedly be used in very meaningful and powerful ways but I don't think it is necessarily a "let's bet the ranch" investment that is going to transform very many B2B marketplaces.
    Social media companies Lexington KY


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