Attending Writing Conferences

Attending Writing Conferences, guest post by Robert Downs

If you haven’t attended a writing conference, I’m here to tell you that a writing conference might be just what you need to help jumpstart your next creative outburst. Or you might end up meeting a friend who will stick with you throughout your writing career, or maybe you’ll meet your next publisher who will help you rise up the writing ranks. Or that tip you needed to help you get over your writer’s block might be waiting for you amongst an ocean of writers and fans. Of course, there’s always the chance that you might just waste your hard-earned cash, but I’ve attended mystery conferences since 2011, and I’ve never felt like I’ve wasted my money. Some conferences have been better than others, and some conferences didn’t quite turn out the way I thought they would, but once I started embracing them, I’ve never looked back.

Attending Writing Conferences, guest post by Robert Downs
I’ve met friends and acquaintances, learned tips and tricks of the trade, seen places I never would have otherwise gone, had experiences that I’ll remember for the rest of my life, gotten inspiration where I least expected it to come from, and passed out more swag and books than I probably should have. Do I regret it? Absolutely not. Would I change one bit of it? No way, my friend.

I’ve ended up on panels and talked about my writing and books for fifty minutes—one of the perks of being an author—and I’ve met readers who said they enjoyed my work. I even had one reader tell a woman she just met that she needed to pick up one of my books—it humbled me to no end. I also signed books for fans in the hotel lobby and behind tables, and I even had multiple people stand in line waiting for me to sign one of my novels. I’ve met authors I’ve looked up to, and no matter how many authors I meet, it still gives me goosebumps when I meet another one. I’ve had fellow authors go out of their way to help me. I just hope one day I can return the favor.

Writing is about the journey, not the destination, and it’s been one amazing ride. If you can’t afford to travel to Toronto or Vancouver, you might discover a conference that’s only a car ride away. Sure, there’s the chance you might get disappointed and never go back, but writing is about taking risks, and if you don’t take one once in a while, you’ll probably be disappointed with where you end up.

Attending Writing Conferences, guest post by Robert Downs
Robert Downs aspired to be a writer before he realized how difficult the writing process was. Fortunately, he'd already fallen in love with the craft, otherwise his tales might never have seen print. Originally from West Virginia, he has lived in Virginia, Massachusetts, New Mexico, and now resides in California. When he’s not writing, Downs can be found reading, reviewing, blogging, or smiling.

To find out more about his latest pro-jects, or to reach out to him on the Internet, visit the Author’s: robertdowns.netGoodreads Page, & Facebook Page!



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