Online Marketing Trends & Stats 2014

Marketing comes as part of the package for writers. I know some of you will scream out "but I just want to to write" at the mere thought of marketing, but if you want people to know you have a book out you need to except that you'll need to do at least some.

The good news is that it doesn't have to take over too much of your writing time. In fact, with online marketing you can now reach a large international audience with just a few clicks. You can even schedule content in advance so you don't need to be actively posting on different sites all day.

There are loads of options when it comes to online marketing and deciding which to invest your time in can be part of the struggle. Should you be on every social media site? What about websites and blogs? AND once you are on those sites, how do you make sure your content gets seen in the ever busy newsfeeds?

This inforgraphic takes a look at some online marketing trends and stats for 2014. It should help give you some ideas for the what and how.

(Source: Infographic Design Team)

Are you using images in your marketing efforts? What sites are you using and which SEO techniques are working best for you? 



  1. Thank you for providing the information. I would like to tell that I have recently came across a firm called Zosap who is providing the service in online marketing.


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