Evaluate your Facebook page

The wonderful people at ShortStack (yes I am a fan) have put together this fab infographic to help you evaluate your Facebook page. Make sure you go to the HubSpot website to download your free pdf guide too.

Whilst most of you probably have a Facebook page, a lot of you may be a bit lost when it comes to how you should be using it. Does it clearly show your author brand? Is it obviously who you are and what you do? 

A lot of people worry about their number of page likes. What they should be concentrating on though is their engagement percentage. It's pointless having thousands of likes if none of them ever see your page. You want to build relationships with fans and interact with them. A lot of likes is just a number. I'd much rather slowly grow an active following organically than be able to boast about a number that has little value.

I hope this infographic will give you some ideas for how to improve your Facebook page.

How did you measure up? Did you tick all 12 points? What other points would you add to this checklist?



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