2014 Content Marketing

Before we take a look at the below infographic by the guys at Uberflip that summarises why 2014 is the year of content marketing, let's just take a minute to look at what content marketing is.

Wikipedia gives this definition:

Content marketing is any marketing format that involves the creation and sharing of media and publishing content in order to acquire customers. This information can be presented in a variety of formats, including news, video, white papers, e-books, infographics, case studies, how-to guides, question and answer articles, photos, etc. 

Content marketing is focused not on selling, but on simply communicating with customers and prospects. The idea is to inspire business and loyalty from buyers by delivering "consistent, ongoing valuable information".
As you can see, content marketing is about getting sales, but without the "buy this now" angle. It's indirect marketing and highly effective. 

And now on to the infographic...

It's clear that a lot of the big name sites are already on board, Google, Twitter, Facebook... This content marketing trend is clearly a good thing for both freelance writers, bloggers, and authors. It helps you climb the search engine algorithms and connects you with your audience without you having to be a salesperson... who likes sales pitches right? What is surprising is how long it's taken people to realise that strategies like this are the way to go.

Do you already use content marketing as part of your marketing plan? What marketing strategies are working for you?



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