I’ve been asked many times how I’ve
managed to organize the annual Book ‘Em North Carolina Writer’s
Conference and Book Fair. The event takes place on the last Saturday of each
February in sunny Lumberton ,
North Carolina . The last event
brought in more than 2,000 attendees and more than 75 featured authors and
publishers. The success of the event isn’t by accident. It’s the result of
hundreds of hours of work by dozens of volunteers.
Laying the Groundwork: I began lining up community support several years ago for Book
‘Em North Carolina , an event to raise funds for
literacy programs in Robeson
County . We gathered
support from the City of Lumberton (always important to get local leaders involved), the Lumberton Area
Visitors Bureau (instrumental for publicity
efforts), area businesses (sponsorships), civic groups (volunteers), schools
(school-age attendance and volunteers with boundless energy), non-profits (to
whom the literacy funds will go), among others. When we were offered Robeson
Community College for the location, we were
ready to get started.
Up the Authors: We begin accepting author registrations
in March—a full year before the big event. Press releases are sent to major
author groups over the summer and a team concentrates on getting the
headliners—authors at the top of their game whose participation helps us
attract high quality authors as well as more attendees. Our last event
headlined two New York Times best-selling authors: Carla Neggers and Michael Palmer. Our upcoming event will
headline New York Times best-selling
author Mary
Alice Monroe as
well as acclaimed Hollywood producer Chuck Williams, who will speak about
turning books into movies. I developed our website, posting every author’s
picture, bio and links as they registered. Over time, I added dozens of informational
Sponsorships: We solicit businesses for sponsorships of $250 to $2,000 apiece,
instrumental for promoting and marketing the event.
Publicity: We begin periodic press releases each spring, which are picked
up by mainstream and Internet media. We obtain media sponsors and worked
steadily with newspapers, television and radio stations. The big promotional
push begins each January 2.
Logistics: The conference and book fair features more than 75 authors
selling and signing their books, which means we must have tables and adequate
space not only for the authors but for traffic flow. We’ve divided two
buildings into fiction, non-fiction, young adult and a special Children’s
Corner, meticulously measuring hallways and classrooms. Five sets of talks go
on simultaneously – panel discussions and solo talks for every genre – plus
readings for small children. Each talk requires a moderator; each hallway and
conference room requires a Team Captain and host of volunteers. There’s an
Author’s Lounge, volunteer greeters, music in the cafeteria, events in the
Children’s Corner and centralized cash registers, each requiring a team of
Afterward: When the event is over, our work is not:
we clean up the space used, reconcile all the funds received, pay authors and
publishers their portion of the book sales, award the non-profits funding for
literacy efforts, and donate remaining books to literacy groups.
Then we start the whole process over.

Guest post by p.m.terrell, the
award-winning, internationally acclaimed author of more than 16 books,
including Vicki's
Key, a 2012 International Book Awards finalist, and River Passage,
2010 Best Fiction & Drama winner. She is the co-founder of The Book 'Em
Foundation whose slogan is "Buy a Book and Stop a Crook" and the
co-chair of Book 'Em North Carolina
Writers Conference & Book Fair. For more information, visit www.pmterrell.com.
Twitter: @pmterrell
Facebook: Patricia M. Terrell
p.m. will be giving a $25 Amazon Gift Card to one randomly drawn commenter and so I encourage you to follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here: http://goddessfishpromotions.blogspot.com/2012/07/virtual-book-tour-secrets-of-dangerous.html.
advice for writers
Book ‘Em North Carolina Writer’s Conference and Book Fair
book fairs
event for writers
guest post
A massive undertaking. It must feel amazing when it all comes together.
That sounds like a lot of work.
Being so active in the community must be difficult, though rewarding. It must be hard juggling exhaustive community work and writing.
Thank you, everyone, for dropping by and leaving a comment!
ReplyDeleteYes, you are all correct when you mentioned the amount of work involved. It IS a tremendous undertaking. I've estimated my own time as well into the hundreds each year - and that doesn't take into account the 250+ volunteers who help in so many ways. But it is immensely gratifying to hear from authors who have been published as a result of attending the conference; people who are now reading more; and hearing so many positive comments from so many throughout the community. It does get very difficult, Chrysrawr, to juggle my own work and responsibilities. But in the end, it's well worth it!
p.m....I can't believe that I have lived in the Wilmington area for 7 years now and have not been to a Book 'Em North Carolina Conference. I will definitely plan on going in February. If there are flyers, I can post them in my Library as the event gets closer.
ReplyDeletecatherinelee100 at gmail dot com
Hi, Catherine!
DeleteThanks for dropping by. And I appreciate your offer to post flyers! We do have them online - Go to www.bookemnc.org and click on the "Downloads" link. There is a PDF file that can be printed in any size you'd like.
I hope to meet you in person when you attend BENC next February!
Thanks for helping us spread the word.
I love to hear from you. So feel free to comment, but keep in mind the basics of blog etiquette — no spam, no profanity, no slander, etc.
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