When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
Although I've been writing since I was about nine, short stories and poetry, I didn't really know I wanted to be a writer until in my forties. I started writing commercials, which was a job I just lucked into. I guess that was when I realized that I could write and be a professional about it. Fiction and non-fiction started for me about the same time after I'd turned fifty.
What genre do you write and why?
My first attempt at fiction of course was short stories when I was a child. I wrote about everyday people then. My first attempt at a novel was a science fiction which never got finished. My second was an autobiographical type story, 1964: Chasing A Dream. I started sending that out and was told it was romance, but since it didn't end happily and didn't totally concentrate on one hero and one heroine, that I would have to change it and shorten it also. I didn't want to do that so I decided to write a formulaic romance and this turned out to be Angel's Blessing. After that I kept writing romance but adding in mystery and murder and suspense. I also like to write literary short stories and mainstream, so I jump all over the place as far as genre goes.
Tell us about your latest book.
My latest book is called Angel's Retreat and it is a sequel to Angel's Blessing. I am more than half way finished in writing and work on it everyday, hoping to have it complete within the month.
What marketing methods are you using to promote your book?
The usual ones. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Goodreads, and Library Thing. I also have a blog called the Positive Power of Writing where I share my writing and what's going on with it, also I write posts on how to write and what's worked for me and what hasn't. I have not so far paid for any advertising. I have three book trailers on Amazon, Smashwords and You Tube that are getting some views. I do read other blogs and comment at times, also I have joined a number of forums but I rarely get to go on them and comment since I spend most of my time writing. That's about it.
What formats is the book available in?
So far my books are just available in electronic form and you can find them in any format. Read them on your kindle, your nook book, your Kobo, or just on your PC. I hope to publish in print on demand someday, but so far I haven't gotten around to that.
What do you like to do when you're not writing?
When I am not writing, I like to read, bike, garden, play with my grandson, watch my favourite shows on TV, exercise, and dance. I also like to travel when I can.
Who are your favourite authors?
That one's easy. My favourite authors are Stephen King, Dean Koontz, John Sandford, Timothy Findley, and Carol Shields. Years ago I was a big fan of Mary Higgins Clark. I also like J.J. Jance, and Lisa Gardener is amazing. I have so many it's hard to pick, but the first three are my big favourites.
What advice do you have for other writers?
That's a tough one. I hate giving advice. I actually don't feel that I'm qualified to, but I would say, don't get discouraged, don't let others' opinions get you down if they are negative. Don't obsess over bad reviews, and just keep writing. Writing is a writer's joy, so the more you do it, the more joy you will have in your life.
What's your favourite quote about writing/for writers?
"I write because I can't 'not' write." I don't know who said it first, but it's the first quote that comes to my mind and explains it all.
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Carol Smith |
What's the best thing about being a writer?
When I write I get to be me. I can shut the world out and live in my own. I also like getting nice reviews, it makes me smile and happy that I've been able to brighten someone's day.
Where can people find out more about you and your writing?
At my blog, The Positive Power of Writing, and on my author's profile at amazon.com/author/carolmarlenesmith
Anything else you'd like to add?
Since you asked, I'd like to mention my book series, The Dream series, which has five books in total. Two (1964: Chasing A Dream and Facing Reality) are now available in most electronic formats. Book three of the series, Missing Link will be something I will be working on this coming winter. Thanks for this opportunity.
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