CWL: Unfinished by Suzanne Gravelle

Book title - Unfinished

Author – Suzanne Gravelle

ISBN-10: 192700506X
ISBN-13: 978-1927005064

Publisher - TRUMEDIA

Formats available: Available in print and the sequel Finished, will be available in print in March 2012

Genre – memoir, self help

Book blurb

This is a true story of a woman who experienced such a profound awakening that she could no longer live the same way, the same life she was just one week before. She could no longer ignore the woman who was screaming to be set free from the ties that bind her to a life she no longer desired or recognized. The transformation to become the woman
she really wanted to be has propelled her upon the most remarkable self-discovery journey of her life. She sold her home, gave up her career, kissed her children, grandchildren and friend’s good bye, got into her vehicle and just drove away…ALONE. Where was she going? 30,000km later she finds herself in the most unlikely place to try to piece her life together, trying to make sense of the constant feeling of being UNFINISHED.

Review comments

“What a page-turning, knuckle-biting love story!!! A love story about one woman finding love for herself.”

“I love this book, Suzanne! I couldn't put it down and even though I was there for some of the "adventures", I couldn't wait to turn the page to read what happens next.”

About Suzanne Gravelle

Suzanne Gravelle is 49 Years old and has 3 children, 2 grandchildren who live in Nova Scotia.  At the time this book goes to print she is single and homeless by choice, still travelling, seeking that place of comfort she will eventually call home.

She spent most of her life living in Nova Scotia but her formidable years aged 10-25, were spent living on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. She resigned as a Real Estate Agent in Nova Scotia, to embark upon this most incredible journey, driving, exploring Canada and writing this book. To read Suzanne’s extended bio, visit


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