CWL: Kiss Me Slowly

Book Title:  Kiss Me Slowly
Author Name: Amber Lea Easton
E-book ISBN:  1-61034-8987-4
Publisher:  Siren-Bookstrand
Formats available:  Kindle, Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Reader, Sony, Nook, HTML, Mobipocket, EPUB
genre: Romantic Suspense/Mainstream Contemporary Romance

book blurb:  

Jail or dead by Monday...Jonathan Alexander is out of time.  Set up to take the fall for embezzling millions of dollars from the family company and with diamond smugglers anxious to see him take a fall, he trusts no one in his inner circle.  His only hope is his ex, Grace Dupont, who he knows would rather watch him drown than throw him a life vest.  Going to her feels desperate...and he is.  

Grace enjoys watching Jonathan squirm.  On your knees boy, she thinks as he pitches for her help in tracking down the real mastermind behind the set up.  Helping him endangers her precariously balanced life of secrets, but--always a sucker for the black-haired-blue-eyed-hungery-for-your-mind types--she takes on the challenge and ends up slapping a target on her back.  

Trapped in a whirlwind of conspiracy and murder, Jonathan and Grace flee to the sea to stall for more time to prove his innocence.  Time is against them.  Neither trusts justice.  Neither believes in a fairy tale ending.  Both know each kiss could be their last.  


  1. Loved the characters in this book. The twists and turns of the plot held my interest all the way through. The characters are really brought to life and found a place in my heart. Hope there is another adventure for Crazy Grace and Lazy Jon soon. Very much worth the money spent.


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