Interview with Marlene M. Bell, author of Stolen Obsession
What advice do
you have for other writers?
The process is arduous. Long hours filled with frustration. Stick with it
and get good help along the way for the best book possible. Your editors are a
lifeline to writing that best book. Whatever you do, don’t ignore your editor’s
suggestions. Beta readers and friends who read your manuscript can be helpful
but ignore your editor’s comments at your own risk. Friends know you and may
not give you the critical advice that you need for fear of hurting your
feelings. Your editor wants your work as good as it can be and they have seen
lots of nasty manuscripts. Good editors know how to fix what ails yours, but do
your homework when choosing an editor. There are a few who don’t write novels
themselves. A novelist needs an editor who also writes, with success.
Developmental editors look at the big picture like plot, plot holes and pacing.
Line and copy editors do the finer work on your prose.
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Amazon |
Stolen Obsession is available in paperback as well as eBook. In October,
2018 Stolen Obsession will be
available in audio book! I’m happy to have one of the most talented voice over
artists in New York
narrate Stolen Obsession. Her name is
Katina Kalin. She is an actress and teaches others the craft of voice. Katina
also narrates for commercials, A&E, and The Discovery Channel among others.
Where can
people find out more about you and your writing?
I started my own business in 1985 as an artist selling products with my
artwork and photography that featured our sheep flock. My husband had sheep
when I met him in the late 1970’s and they quickly became the focal point for
my work. My original website is located at To find out more about my
books, go to Facebook:
and follow me on Twitter at @ewephoric. Ewephoric is my company name and I
publish through Ewephoric Publishing.
Who is you favorite character in your book and
My favorite would have
to be Generosa Zavos, Alec’s mother. She is of Italian descent, like myself. I
had fun dropping character traits into her from my own family. We all use our
hands when we speak and Generosa does the same. I pictured cousins speaking to
each other in groups, hands flying in and out while I wrote. I know a bit about
the Italian customs due to my own grandfather. He was born in Bari , Italy
in the late 1800’s. Back then, Bari
was more of a poor fishing village. I recall some of what he told me as a young
girl—his home before he left to come to America and fight in WWI. Using his
words and what I researched in Italy
online made Stolen Obsession come to
life on the page for me. Hopefully I’ve done the same for the reader.
Who designed the cover?
The cover of Stolen Obsession was designed by a
husband and wife team from Australia .
Steam Power Studios designed an award winning cover back in 2015 when I was
researching cover artists. I fell in love with their work because it was so
original and I believe in marketing myself with a fresh, exciting cover. Covers
do sell books. Great covers sell more books. Stock covers give the appearance
that the writer doesn’t care about his or her work. I recommend finding the
best cover artist you can afford. A cheap, fifty dollar stock cover should be
avoided at all costs. Vlad and Erica Zivanovic of Steam Power Studios make an
interesting, creative duo. Vlad works in the entertainment industry and
composes music, while his wife does most of the graphic design. In addition to
the cover of Stolen Obsession, they
are working on the cover of my next book, Spent
Identity. I love the next cover for the series! To be revealed at a later
date. Stolen
Obsession has won 2 prestigious cover awards in 2018.
Where can a reader purchase your book?
Stolen Obsession is available through most retailers, including some bookstores and
on Amazon.
Other sellers include, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Smashwords and Draft
2 Digital in eBook.
Months ahead of the
release, I contacted a book marketing agency and signed up with them. Looking
back, I wouldn’t advise their services to anyone (since most of what they did,
I ended up doing again for myself.) I received no feedback from their contacts
and no contact names for future use. For me, I won’t go down that road again.
The process is very expensive so expect to drop $7,000.00 to $10,000.00 if you
go this route. Just because an agency didn’t work for me, doesn’t mean you will
have the same result. Not everyone has the luxury for an expenditure like this,
but when an author is an indie-publisher and debut author, it’s an option. PR
companies work best for known celebrities.
Next on my agenda was
the press release. This was done originally by the agency to announce the
release, but I followed up with different press releases once the book
officially went up on Amazon. I took advantage of their Kindle Countdown deals
in the first 90 days of Stolen Obsession’s
release. Goodreads also has an option for a Giveaway, which I also took
advantage of prior to the book’s release. Book/Blog Tours are the best for
getting reviews. I highly recommend tours! Expect to hand out plenty of
paperback copies in the form of Advance Reader Copies. Some recipients will
read and leave a review, but you will find that most who are not affiliated
with a blog tour will not leave a review.
One method I added
once the book hit the market was entering book contests. Cover contests as well
as content. Stolen Obsession has won
2 prestigious cover awards and more recently, the FAPA chose Stolen Obsession as the President’s
Award Gold Medal winner for Best Mystery. Expect to pay $85.00 to $150.00 per
contest, but the effort is well worth it if you have worked hard and have a
good, clean, commercially viable book.
What is your work in progress? Tell us about it.
My second book in the
Annalisse Series is called, Spent
Identity. The story takes place in upstate New York in a country setting. Annalisse and
Alec are having difficulties in their relationship which worsens when a dead
man with a questionable identity is found in Annalisse’s aunt’s barn. Soon
after, the aunt vanishes. Are the two events related—or unrelated as the
authorities believe? Annalisse and Alec are drawn again to each other as they
work out the mysteries that continue to pile up surrounding Aunt Kate’s
disappearance. Annalisse has to deal with childhood fears and a villain who
knows how to take advantage of her fears. A big twist and a cataclysmic secret
reveal that will have Annalisse reeling in the end!
What are your thoughts on Self-Publishing verses
traditional publishing?
When Stolen Obsession was
final-edited and proofed, I set out to go the traditional route and look for
agent representation. The process stretched 9 long months. Rejection letters
came one after the other. Short, sweet and sometimes in form letter.
Frustrated, I found a copy editor to check my work again. She made the prose
shine and recommended Self-Publishing because she had more authors going that
route than those who weren’t, due to bad contacts and little in payouts from
publishers. Stolen Obsession took
years to write. I didn’t have it in me to wait any longer, so I took the
editor’s advice and went indie. If you are a self-starter like I am, and can
market yourself well, this is the route for you. Best thing I ever did!
What are you currently reading?
One of my favorite
authors is Karen Rose. She writes complicated romantic suspense. Many
characters with diverse backgrounds. I’m halfway finished with her novel, Edge of Darkness, having read most of
her books. I’ve also gone back and reread the old series, Outlander when I need
a plug of romance to help spice up my own writing. This author helps to trigger
my own work. Diana Gabaldon writes extremely detailed, refreshing first-person
narrative. A nice break from writing and reading in the third. Stolen Obsession
is written in third person. Lately, I’ve picked up books from local authors in East Texas . There is a stack waiting to be read once I
finish Karen Rose.
author interview
interview feature
Jo Linsdell
Marlene M. Bell
Stolen Obsession
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