first step in figuring out your strengths as a writer is to understand what
inspires you as a writer. For me, it’s my children, my wife, my family, and the
thoughts and feelings I want to share with them—the things in my life that
evoke the most emotion and passion.
discover your true inspiration—your muse—ask yourself two simple questions:
do I really want to
write about?
I were writing only for myself, what would I write?
you have the answers to these, follow it up with an honest assessment:
comfortable (and skilled) am I with this sort of writing?
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order to truly identify your writing strengths, you must find the central point
between what you really want to write and what you can write comfortably. For
example, I might want to write about world-building a la
Asimov or Clarke, but if I’m being honest with myself I do not possess the
skills. On the other hand, I also want to write about relationships, and I’m
confident that I do that well. I think this applies universally, and that one
of the biggest mistakes writers make is concentrating too much on one or the
other. This either makes their work self-indulgent (too much about what they
want to write about) or passionless (too much about what they’re good at but
clearly don’t care about). Finding the right balance is the key to knowing your
true writing strengths.
you’ve mulled this over and are confident you’ve gained some solid insight into
what you should be writing, it’s time to turn your thoughts into actions.
Building physical strength requires exercise, right? Cultivating your writing
strengths is no different.
Becoming a voracious reader does several things:
it increases your vocabulary, it offers you an ongoing class on writing (and
how other professionals apply their craft), and so on. According to Stephen
King, one of the most gifted and prolific writers of our time, “If you don’t
have the time to read, then you don’t have the time—or skills—to write.” I couldn’t
agree more.
The more you read, the easier it is to make an
honest assessment of where you stand amongst those who write within the same
genre(s). It’s hard to know where your work fits unless you know what your
competition is out there in the market.
· I’ve always
reviewed a mix—the classics as well as the latest bestsellers within my
genre—to determine where I stand.
The older I get, the slower I read because I love the way words are arranged to
make the reader think and feel. But while reading, it’s important I remain cognizant
not to fall so deeply in love with someone else’s work that it becomes my own. Plagiarism
is the kiss of death for any writer. Essentially, while I’m in the process of
writing, I guard against becoming unwittingly impressed by certain passages or
word usages from another writer that may catch my fancy. Please bear this in
mind if you’re reading a great book while you’re writing an even greater one.
When it’s all said and done, reading helps you
find your writing strengths through recognition of what you already possess, as
well as areas that need improvement—or more focused training—on your part.
Plot lines, character development and scene
setting should all be fleshed out in the outlining process. Admittedly, it has
taken me years to appreciate the art of storyboarding. I used to believe that
creating an outline only restricted my writing. I’ve since discovered that the
opposite is true. Creating a detailed storyboard actually frees me up to
write—really go at it—without wondering or worrying where my story needs to go
next. The storyboard is merely a road map.
As a benefit of storyboarding, you’ll be able to
identify your writing strengths (as well as your weaknesses) during the
process; it isn’t difficult to determine what comes easy to you and what
requires much more time and effort. In fact, these truths may jump right out at
you from the written outline.
The trick to finding your true style: Most
writers love to pen what they love to read. If you hate horror stories, then
don’t write them. If you don’t enjoy a good mystery, then you probably
shouldn’t be creating one. Again, write what you feel passionate about, what
excites you.
As much as it is a craft or a passion, writing
is also a discipline that requires training just like any other. Write every
day, or at least schedule time dedicated to your writing. Just as I tell my
young son: If you want to become a great basketball shot, the only way to get
there is by spending countless hours out on the court—practicing. Eventually,
you’ll learn to write even when you don’t want to, which is an important trait
toward becoming both prolific and professional. True strength comes from training—and discipline.
Forgive the three clichés below, but before
finding your writing strengths you must ensure that you’re employing several
basic writing principles:
Show, Don’t
Tell: Exactly
what it says. Don’t write, “Bobby is angry!” Write, “Bobby’s nostrils flared,
while his cheeks turned a frightening red. With clench fists, he stormed off.”
Familiar Material: Write what you know, who you know and where you’ve been.
Anything other than that requires an incredible amount of research and is
usually much less believable. I think everyone has her own story (or stories)
to share, and no matter what you write your story will absolutely bleed
through. Even fiction has a whole lot of truth to it. Stick to what you know.
It’s what makes you unique and will inevitably define your voice as a writer.
· Less Is More: Don’t be fooled. Most books are written at an eighth grade level
and so should yours. In the craft of writing—though it’s taken me several years
to see this—less really is so much more. You don’t have to use big words to
impress people. Being published will take care of that. And although it’s
important to refer to your Thesaurus during your editing process, it’s equally
important to stay away from the multi-syllable pitfalls. Big words slow your
story—and the reader—down. When you can use simple language to convey your
thoughts and feelings, your work will be better appreciated and remembered.
Quite simply, if you’re not writing—practicing
your chosen craft—then you’re not discovering anything: your strengths or weaknesses.
In some creative circles, it is believed that it takes more than ten thousand
hours to become a master at anything. I believe—with writing—it takes no less
than a lifetime. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t produce great works while
we’re learning.
More often than not, strengths are found in the
things that come easy to us; the things that feel more natural. Weaknesses, on
the other hand, usually pose as challenges; things we must learn to master.
Again, unless you’re writing—actively—you can’t
learn anything about your strengths or weaknesses.
Whenever I complete the first draft of a new novel—and
go through it twice with my editor’s hat on—I place the manuscript in the
bottom drawer of my desk and leave it alone for at least three to four weeks. When
I return to it, it always reads much differently than I remember—highlighting
the holes (or weaknesses) in the writing. It’s on that honest, most objective
day that I can begin my final and most important edit (which should then total
three). Upon completion of this edit, my work is the very best I can produce
and is now ready to be viewed by a real editor; that’s right, you need a set of
objective, professional eyes before you present to an agent or publisher.
as a seasoned writer, I have to constantly remind myself that writing is a
journey and not a destination. I’m always learning and trying to get better at
my chosen craft by becoming stronger in every aspect of my writing. My motto: Always happy. Never satisfied. Once I
learned what my true writing strengths were, I asked myself one final question:
What is the difference between good
writing and great writing? In my experience, a good writer makes his reader
think, while a great writer makes his reader feel. You’ll be remembered longer
and by many more readers if you go for the heart. If you’re not laughing or
crying while you write, don’t expect others to have similar experiences when
they read your work.
writing strengths are found in my ability to develop believable, relatable
characters that are able to evoke strong emotions within the reader. And how do
I know this? Because I’ve put in the hours, trusted my editor (mentor);
leveraging his knowledge and experience, and received enough honest feedback to
know where I truly stand. And what do I do with this knowledge? I write more
and hone my strengths, while also paying close attention to the areas I’m not
as strong in (and put in the time and effort to get better).
Once you’ve figured out your strengths as a
writer, write the book you’ve always wanted to read!
Steven Manchester is the author of the #1 bestsellers Twelve Months, The Rockin’ Chair, Pressed Pennies, and Gooseberry Island, the national bestseller Ashes, and the novels Goodnight, Brian and The Changing Season. His work has appeared on NBC’s Today Show, CBS’s The Early Show, CNN’s American Morning, and BET’s Nightly News. Recently, three of Manchester’s short stories were selected “101 Best” for the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.
Connect with Steven at: | Twitter - @AuthorSteveM | Facebook - @AuthorStevenManchester
advice for writers
Figuring Out Your Strengths as a Writer
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Jo Linsdell
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Steven Manchester
Three Shoeboxes
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I read this book and the characters are definitely relatable. This book will stay with me for a long time.
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