Interview with Julianne Lynch

Tell us about your latest book.
My latest novel, Beneath the Lighthouse is a thrilling, creeptastic, paranormal adventure for lovers of Young Adult horror. It follows Jamie McGuinness, my sixteen-year-old protagonist, who’s life is less than ideal.
After the death of his sister, Jamie sinks within himself. His grief controls his every thought and action. Those who should love and care the most, have changed and become monsters before his eyes.
He struggles to cope and his only saving grace is the lighthouse where his sister was found dead. But it is here where his journey truly begins.
It’s not your average teenage horrorfest. It deals with some serious themes; such as physical and mental abuse, depression and sacrifice. All these add an edge to Jamie’s story, giving the reader a deeper understanding of his thoughts and feelings. Adding to the overall reading experience.
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What advice do you have for other writers?
Writing is one of those careers where you never know if something is going to work, or if all those hours you’ve put in are worth it. But it is more than a hobby. It is a love affair, sometimes torturous, other times, euphoric. I’d tell any writer out there to continue reading. Let your love of words inspire you. Digest everything you read. Learn from others. But most importantly, write every day, even when it feels impossible. You will always have something within you to say, be it a poem, a blog post, even an email. Just keep writing. There will be times when self-doubt creeps it, and believe me, that happens to the best of us. But that is when you find you’ll create your best work – prove to yourself, not others your talent.
And if there is one thing I’d tell any aspiring writer out there, is that success is rarely overnight. It happens, but it is rare. Write because you love it. Don’t force it. Enjoy it.
What's the best thing about being a writer?
I love the fact that I am my own boss. I work under my own schedule, and though at times I’m given deadlines that often make me want to hide under my bed. I essentially thrive under pressure.
Being a mother, who works at home, also gives me the best of both worlds. My youngest children see me daily. I am here when they go to school, and here when they return. It’s a luxury that not many parents have, and I cherish the position that I am in.
I also love that I am now able to really focus on the work that I feel I was destined to write. I have a wonderful agent, manager and team of people behind me spurring me on, and how many people can say they have realised their dreams?
I am lucky.
Where can people find out more about you and your writing?
You can find out about me and my writing on my website:
I am active on Facebook –
and of course, email:
I am always happy to hear from my readers, old and new, and love nothing more than discussing a specific character, a current project, or offering advice on a more personal level. I am easy going, and really do enjoy a little bit of banter.
Who is you favorite character in your book and why?

I absolutely love Iliana. When I first began writing the book, she was to be a minor character, nothing more than a vengeful spirit. But as the story progressed, I soon realised that Iliana was the glue to everything happening in Jamie’s life. She is more than a villain. She is a victim, and I loved showing her side of the tale that essentially became a riptide in Jamie’s world.

Why do you think readers are going to enjoy your book?

I truly believe readers will enjoy Beneath the Lighthouse because it’s very different from your generic teen horror story. It covers a lot of real life issues that affects many teens today. I’m talking subjects of mental and physical abuse, confusion, personal crisis – subjects that readers can relate to. Aside from the themes of realism, I’ve created a paranormal story that is not only addictive, it’s thrilling, it’s dark, and it will keep you guessing until the last page.

Who designed the cover?

The amazing cover was designed by the incomparable Mister Sam Shearon. Sam is a British Graphic Artist specialising in Science Fiction & Horror, Vintage Futures, Monsters, Cryptozoology, Zombies and Bio-Mechanics. He captured the true chilling essence of Iliana, and I don’t think another cover of mine has ever had my jaw drop. It’s the perfect representation of the world I have built.

What is your work in progress? Tell us about it.

My current work in progress is the follow up to Beneath the Lighthouse. It is called, “What Lurks Within” and continues following Jamie on his journey. Only this time, Jamie is losing his mind, piece by piece, and all at the hands of something darker than anything he could ever imagined. He thought things were bad with Iliana, but nothing compares to the true horror of what lurks within your mind.

What books or authors have most influenced your life?

I have an eclectic taste in authors and their work. I’ve been reading all my life, and depending on the mood, my reading experience is different all the time. However, having studied Literature at length, I have a deep-rooted love for the classics, and it’s hard for me to pin my love down to a few. But there are a few novels who have stood the test of time with me and have influenced my journey as a writer and woman.

The Castle of Otranto, by Horace Walpole
Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte
Dracula, by Bram Stoker
Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens
The Vampyre, by John Polidori
Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte
Rebecca, by Daphne du Maurier
The Color Purple, by Alice Walker
The Alex Cross series, by James Patterson
The Morganville Vampire series, by Rachel Caine

When you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?

I am a bit of a health and fitness enthusiast. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than spending a few hours in the gym at the end of the day. I find it’s my down time. No word count. No emails. No phone calls. No mummy duties. Just me, my headphones and weights.
And if I am not in the gym, I love mountain hiking, running, or taking long walks. I love the great outdoors, and I have a deeper appreciation of the time I get outside, considering the amount of time I spend sitting at my desk, surrounded by so much technology.
Also, being a mother means I have to give a whole lot of myself to the demands of a busy household. So when I have my down time, I really am quite selfish with it.



  1. Great advice for authors. Enjoyed this interview.

  2. Thank you so much for hosting me. It was a pleasure.


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