Interview with Charles Breakfield & Roxanne Burkey

Interview with Charles Breakfield & Roxanne Burkey

What genre do you write and why?

The Enigma Series including The Enigma Dragon – A CATS Tale is considered, TechnoThriller. It contains a foundation of technology, due to our each having 25+ years in that field, plus it includes romance, travel, intrigue, mystery and humor to appeal to a wider adult audience. We chose this because it allows us to take technology in relevant ways then bake into a fictional story. We enjoying pushing the possibilities to the very edge in a compelling story. We enjoy people and storytelling.
Tell us about your latest book.
Interview with Charles Breakfield & Roxanne Burkey
In The Enigma Dragon – A CATS Tale we wage cyber combat between digital and analog methods to explore the ability for thieves today to stay off the grid. Not an easy task. In business we have crossed paths with some rather annoying and unseemly people. It seemed appropriate for them to be exposed within this tale. Perhaps your readers will relate to the yucky people in their paths.
We love using what we consider the grittier group under Julie and Juan, cyber assassin technology services team, to travel all over hunting the culprits for different problems which needed to be tracked down and uncovered. This allowed us to further expand on these characters by pairing them up differently than in prior stories. In doing this and taking the exploits globally we were amazed to watch the direction that the characters took us. We have explored the closeness of Julie and Juan previously, but the creativity we extracted from Summit and Ernesto, specifically of note, was a depth in these characters we had not anticipated. As authors we enjoy shaping our characters but we find they sometimes take on a life of their own with a story they feel compelled to reveal. Jamie was a character we used in a prior story who seemed to fit well in this story, but we will await the comments from our readers as to which character was liked the best.
What formats is the book available in?
The Enigma Dragon – A CATS Tale is available today in paperback and ebook for purchase at your favorite places noted on our website. Readers can also buy directly from our website for a signed version and if inside the US, the shipping is free. Outside the US the shipping would have to be quoted. As with their first 5 books in The Enigma Series, this one is slotted for audible format in the near future. Readers can visit our website (, sign up for a monthly email, receive their free coloring book download, and get the first notice on the release of this story in audio format. We are just completing the audible on our fifth book The Enigma Stolen so we have a little ways to go before we can offer The Enigma Dragon in audible.
What advice do you have for other writers?
Writing for us is so much fun. If you want to write then start doing it now. Set aside some specific time and write about what you enjoy. We enjoy this #TechnoThriller genre, but you may be into children, or romance, or self-help, or something else. Write about what you enjoy. Talk with other authors and possibly find a local writers group. You might try your hand at short stories and submit them for publishing. Mostly keep at it. As with most things the more you do it the better you will become. Don’t give up and whatever you do, don’t wait!  We want the chance to read that next great story.
Interview with Charles Breakfield & Roxanne Burkey
Charles Breakfield
Where can people find out more about you and your writing?
People can certainly visit our website at or for downloadable samples of each book, book trailers, highlighted reviews, and a calendar of upcoming events. We would also invite you to visit our tab on Specialize Terms where you can learn what DRAGON Sequence is and its critical role in The Enigma Dragon – A CATS Tale.  We also have an active Authors page on Amazon you are invited to follow.
Who designed the cover?

The graphic artist for The Enigma Dragon – A CATS Tale cover is the owner of or eBooks Galore where our stories are also available. Nathan Rimel not only completed the cover, but designed the water marks for the interior. He has great insights to graphic designs and also does our banners and bookmarks. He offer resources to authors listed on his website. He is now building the cover for our 10th book.

How do you research your books?

The majority of the research for our stories comes from our work and our travels. Each of us travel all over for work and pleasure. We use the various locations to learn about the people and elements we might bring into a story. Breakfield did the travel to Istanbul which was leveraged as a part of The Enigma Dragon – A CATS Tale. The other locations has been explored by both of them, with Burkey having the most time in London. The Texas usage is because they both enjoy Texas and have visited many places in this state.

Interview with Charles Breakfield & Roxanne Burkey
Roxanne Burkey
Why do you think readers are going to enjoy your book?

The stories in our series are relevant for today’s adult readers. In The Enigma Dragon – A CATS Tale it has descriptions of many different places and as such can take readers on a mini trip across the world. This world of ours has some fabulous things to see and people to learn about. We also find that the multiple threads of our stories holds the interest until the ending climax. We have relationships which is a part of life after all and allows readers to applaud their favorites or hope the bad guys get their just rewards. It is no wonder our series tag line is continually gaining in popularity:  Tech·nol·o·gy (tekˈnäləjē) – Today’s weapon of choice…

How long did it take you to write your book?

Each of our stories take around 6 months to complete. The Enigma Dragon – A CATS Tale took almost a year as we wanted to do some additional marketing with this story. For the depth of the stories we write we like to say 6 – 9 months is a reasonable time. We play literary ping-pong as we design the framework and then bat portions back and forth as we shape each and every chapter. Co-authoring is particularly good for us as it allows us to work our real jobs and enjoy our storytelling.

Where can a reader purchase your book?

Readers can purchase our paperback books, signed, directly from our website, They can be ordered from any brick and mortar store and usually arrive within a couple of days. Online your readers can purchase the story from all the popular websites including: Amazon, itunes, ebg237, Texas Authors, Readers Favorites, Barnes and Nobel, Kirkus Reviews, Kobo, and Booklife.

What is your work in progress? Tell us about it.

Our current work in progress is The Enigma Source. This is a book focused on blockchain technology and crypto-currency. It covers the values and risks of crypto-currency in its current infancy state. It offers some different ways that crypto-currency comes to be and folds like a cheap trick. It has some of our favorite characters returning to continue to fight which pits cyber good guys against cyber thugs. It will be available in the summer of 2018 and can be pre-ordered on our website



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