Interview with Natashia Brewer

Interview with Natashia Brewer

Tell us about your latest book.

Biblical Proportions is a story about twin brothers who are music executives in their family business, the dynamics of this book was inspired by the story of Esau and Jacob from the Bible.  James and Edward are polar opposites, but they find themselves in the battle of a lifetime.  These two gentlemen where fighting the consequences of some bad choices and the only way out was to strengthen their faith and surrender to the will of the Lord.  They found their strength, peace, and their purpose along the way.

Interview with Natashia Brewer
What did you edit out of this book?

I didn’t edit anything out of the book.  Once the book came back from the editor, I enhanced some of the scenes.  I treat my books like a project (I have an extensive background as an IT project manager) so I conduct a ton of planning upfront.  I identify the type of story I want to tell.  Then I identify the number of chapters.  By this time, I know the types of characters I want to be included in the storyline.  After all that is done, I identify everything that I want to happen in each chapter (building the story intensity along the way).  When all that is done, I just start writing.  I not had to edit out any part of the two books that I have written thus far.

Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with the bad or good ones?

I welcome and appreciate all reviews good or bad.  I recognize and accept that my books will not appeal to everyone that reads it.  I don’t get consumed with it because I know that I’ve done the best that I could do in that moment.  If I do get a bad review, I hope the person provides examples or ideas on what needs to be improved.  I would take those things into consideration when I write my next book.  I will say you have to weed out the noise because all criticism isn’t constructive – be discerning

Interview with Natashia Brewer

How long did it take you to write your book?
It took me three weeks to write the book.  It was actually finished in October 2017.  However, I knew it wasn’t time to release it.  I took another week after the editing process to rewrite some scenes in the book

Where can a reader purchase your book?

Do you believe in writer’s block?
I believe that there is a such thing as writer’s block and I also believe that in order to get through it you need to write.  Not continue to write your book, but to step away from it and write something totally different.

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and stretch yourself.  There are beautiful things and experience outside of that comfort zone.  Set yourself free!

Interview with Natashia Brewer
What is your work in progress? Tell us about it.

My work in progress is my life’s story that is titled, There Was Power in the Pain, From the Pit to the Palace.  It will take the readers on my journey to overcome the odds that were stacked against me. 

What are your thoughts on self-publishing verses traditional publishing?

I have self-published both of my books and I feel that going this route give you more control and potentially higher returns.  However, it takes a significant amount of time and effort to get your book in front of your target audience.  If you go the traditional publishing route, you will have access to more exposure with press and other media outlets.  You will have to work to do to sell your books, but it is less backend work that the traditional publisher handles.  So there are pros and cons to both.

When you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?

When I am not writing books, I am writing songs/creating music or speaking.  If I am not doing any of that, I am enjoying time spent with my family and friends.

Interview with Natashia Brewer



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  2. I enjoyed getting to know your book and thanks for the chance to win :)

  3. This sounds like a book I'll enjoy!

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