Interview with Amberly Kristen Clowe

Interview with Amberly Kristen Clowe

What genre do you write and why?

I enjoy writing numerous genres for children. Picture books are a fun challenge. An author only has so many words and pages to use. Every single word matters. This is like a fun puzzle! I enjoy writing children’s chapter books—this may even be my favorite. These young readers are often looking for relatable, humorous stories. I so enjoy a good one-liner! I have dabbled in both middle grade and young adult fiction. For me, I have to be truly committed to a story in these genres, since they often consume much more time. Nonetheless, writing for older children is an incredibly rewarding experience.  

Interview with Amberly Kristen Clowe
Tell us about your latest book.

My latest book is titled Teeny Sweeney and the Mustache Cash. It is the first in a new series published with Christian publisher Little Lamb Books. This early-reader is for children who are beginning to read on their own. Teeny is a lovely character to write. She’s bold, curious, and with such a big heart. The story begins with Teeny’s teacher assigning the class a huge project: to create a business plan in a single week. Teeny not only creates a business plan, she creates a thriving business. Unfortunately, she skims over a few pretty important parts. The story is funny and zany, and one I really do think kids will enjoy.

What did you edit out of this book?

I did have to edit out a line about a worm’s derriere. That kind of broke my heart, but I know it’s part of the process!

How was this book published? Why did you choose that particular publishing route?

I decided to sign with traditional publisher Little Lamb Books. After speaking with the founder, Rachel Pellegrino, I knew God had placed Teeny in good hands. The people at Little Lamb Books expect so much from their authors, but they expect the same—if not more—from themselves. These people are the finest at what they do, from editing to marketing. They are eager for your input and to share with you the many steps from manuscript to published work. It has been a beautiful process to experience!

What formats is the book available in?

The paperback is currently available for pre-sale at Amazon and other major retailers. There will be hardbacks available for purchase when I debut the story at The Great Homeschool Convention in Texas on March 15th of this year. I’ve been told the e-book version will also be available soon.

Who are your favourite authors?

Whew. That’s a big question. I have included a handful of favorites.
Mem Fox
Beverly Cleary
Dan Gutman
Lauren Kate
Else Holmelund Minarik
James Christopher Carroll

What's the best thing about being a writer?

I love the whimsy of it all. It’s absolutely thrilling to weave a world, rich in characters and growth and pretend.

Where can people find out more about you and your writing?

I am active on both Twitter and Facebook. I keep my website updated with current events and bookish news. Readers can access my blog from my website and read a new Five Minute Friday each week. These are Bible lessons for kids that require little materials and time. On my website, readers can also subscribe to my monthly newsletter. My newsletter peeps are the first to see new covers and hear about events before I even post to my site. I like to include even more Bible lessons through my newsletter too.
My twitter handle: @AmberlyClowe
Search “Amberly Clowe” on Facebook for my author page.
Interview with Amberly Kristen Clowe
Do you believe in writers block?

I do. There are moments in which I feel drained. I’m discouraged. I need a break. During these moments, I focus on something else. Maybe I put more time into my online presence. Maybe I brainstorm ideas for new books or re-visit old ones. Maybe I ferociously read. I’m almost always doing something, but I totally get re-grouping.  

Who or what inspired you to become a writer?

I have enjoyed creating characters since I can remember. I cherish the memories of my elementary school teachers reading and laughing at my writing assignments. I had such a happy childhood when it came to books, whether meeting authors or practically camping out at the library during my summers. And once I became a school teacher, reading to my students at every opportunity, writing just made more and more sense. I think all of this had an influence in my pursuit. 


  1. Thanks so much for having me, Jo! ~Amberly


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