Advice For New Writers

Advice For New Writers, Guest post by Jane C. Brady

To new writers, I would say if writing is something you love, don’t let anything or anyone stand in your way. There will be ups and downs along the way, but never stop believing in yourself. Surround yourself with people that support you and believe in you. Having author buddies that understand your struggles is also a huge plus.

Advice For New Writers, Guest post by Jane C. Brady
Carry a notebook everywhere you go and when an idea comes to you, jot it down. Watch lots of movies and read even more books. Go to the bookstore and roam the aisles for ideas. Study the craft of writing and learn everything there is to know.

As authors, we are letting our readers inside our most profound thoughts and sending our work out into the world to be judged and often criticized, and that is a terrifying thing. Do the best you know how and learn all you can. Never think you know it all. Keep an open mind when criticism comes your way and learn from it.

Set aside time to write every day and make sure the people in your life respect this time. Don’t put limitations on your work and don’t rush the process. The pressures of writing can sometimes become overwhelming, but I encourage you not to lose faith. Study your work and understand what your author voice is.

Don’t try to save money by not hiring an editor. Editors are like fairies that sprinkle their magical fairy dust over our finished product and help make it sparkle. All editors are not the same. There are different levels of editing and I personally choose to use them all. Find an editor that is as passionate about your work as you are and, if possible, find ones that love the genre you write in. When hiring an editor make sure they don’t try to change your voice; a good editor will preserve your voice.

Spend time people-watching. I spend a lot of time studying people close to me and what makes them who they are. Also, in public, I notice mannerism of complete strangers. Yes, usually behind a big pair of sunglasses. In a recent novel, one of my characters came to life from a guy walking down the street in Vancouver. Some of my favorite characters have developed from people I know.

If you are taking the self-publishing route, do yourself a favor and have your novel professionally done, from the book cover to the editing and the formatting. Your brand is key to marketing yourself, and you want people to take you seriously with your first step out of the gate. Even with all this, you will invariably hit stumbling blocks along the way, but don’t let them stop you. Push through, and in the end you will find it was all worth it.

Advice For New Writers, Guest post by Jane C. Brady
Jane lives life to the full because she doesn’t want to wake up twenty years from now regretting all the things she didn’t do. She’s an avid traveler who also loves throwing elaborate dinner parties where she wows her guests with gourmet meals. Jane has a passion for writing, interior design, history, movies, board games, and fitness. In her quest  for an exciting life, however, she now draws the line at zip-lining, which she experienced in Costa Rica. Never again!

Jane comes from a family of six sisters and lived in a Tennessee plantation house for several years while growing up. She now lives in Western Canada but dreams of owning a vacation home in South Carolina. She lives with her husband (her high school sweetheart), two teenagers, and two dogs. When she grows up, she’d like to be her brilliant sixteen-year-old daughter (minus the mood swings).

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Advice For New Writers, Guest post by Jane C. Brady


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