Excerpt: The Lost Children of Atlantis by Tanya R. Taylor

Excerpt: The Lost Children of Atlantis by Tanya R. Taylor

Title: The Lost Children of Atlantis (The Cornelius Saga Book 6)
Author: Tanya R. Taylor
Genre: YA Paranormal Mystery

About the book:

Excerpt: The Lost Children of Atlantis by Tanya R. TaylorCould these be the ramblings of a nutcase or could this seemingly far-fetched story about "lost children" actually be true?

Mira Cullen, an attractive young doctor and psychic, meets old, sick, occasionally delusional Stefanie Brussels. Stefanie claims to know otherwise unheard-of facts as related to the shocking catastrophe of long ago where so many had perished, but no one in their right mind believes her. She also mentions an artifact in her possession that was dug up over a decade earlier that holds "special powers". Will Mira take anything she says seriously and if she doesn't, what is bound to be the outcome?

An alluring tale and for some, an unfathomable mystery. Easily read as a standalone!

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Sunday, July 6th…
Here, kitty kitty!” Brandon Haygood could have kicked himself for losing sight of his precious cat during their forest walk.
Emerging from the shade of a cluster of tall trees, he came upon a body of water he never knew was there – a long stretch of resplendent liquid as far as his eyes could see. Nothing else was noticed other than a few houses farther down and the vast forest behind him. His beloved Pearl was nowhere in sight.
Looking out at the water, Brandon got the sense that it possessed a mystical quality, and stepping a few feet closer to the water’s edge, that feeling of its esoteric attributes intensified. A hundred yards down the sea shore, little Pearl with her brown and white fur was a mere ten yards away from the water. She could hear the soft, gentle voices summoning her to come closer, and for a short while, she stood and listened as her ears perked forward to their constant call. She soon advanced with several short steps and could hear Brandon calling her now too, but the voices from the water were shamelessly more appealing, more calming, and each second that sailed by, nearly irresistible.
Hey, kitty kitty!” Brandon started walking down the stretch. There was no way with his Myopia that he could see Pearl from that distance.
Pearl had finally made it to the water’s edge; the summoning still in full force. The water glistened beneath the rays of the sun and barely moved with the light wind.
Come in!” went a loud whisper that the cat seemed to have clearly understood. One paw hit the water and Pearl pulled back. It wasn’t cold; it just didn’t feel…right. Suddenly, there was a slight ripple of the water and from beneath emerged a head of long, black, straggly, shoulder-length hair, a face hidden beneath and a hand that reached out and grabbed Pearl’s little foreleg and pulled her into the water. The cat’s meow was heard by Brandon a good ways off as the animal was yanked beneath the mysterious sea.
Kitty?” Brandon squinted his eyes attempting to see farther down. “Is that you, kitty?”
He started in the direction of what he thought was a squeal, then halfway there where the ripple had been, he heard a cat’s meow. Excitement filled his veins; he was sure he was getting closer to his beloved Pearl. He turned his head in the direction of the water again. It seemed to be glistening even brighter in the sun. He thought it looked magical.
Come!” he heard in a whisper! “Come over here!”
Brandon knew he had heard that beautiful, soft voice as clear as day. He was sure that body of water was somehow beckoning him.
Kitty! kitty! Where are you?!” He stopped in his tracks, looking more closely at the water as far out as his eyes would permit. He was sure he had heard his cat’s cry from somewhere in the midst of it. Standing there, he felt a strange gravitationand slowly, he advanced to the water’s edge. “I’m coming for you, kitty. Don’t be afraid.”
He stepped in and immediately something grabbed his ankle and he was pulled under. His brown hat alone remained on the seashore.

Excerpt: The Lost Children of Atlantis by Tanya R. Taylor
About the Author
Tanya R. Taylor is the author of several #1 bestsellers on Amazon. She has been writing ever since she can remember holding a pencil and published her first book titled: 'A Killing Rage' as a young adult.

She has worked in the Financial arena and is also a seasoned ghostwriter. Her book 'Cornelius' climbed to #1 in the Teen & Young-adult Multi-generational Family Fiction category. And her supernatural, suspense/thriller - 'INFESTATION: A Small Town Nightmare' is a multiple times #1 international bestseller.

Tanya R. Taylor writes in various genres including: Paranormal Romance, Fantasy, Thrillers, Science-fiction, Mystery and Suspense.

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Excerpt: The Lost Children of Atlantis by Tanya R. Taylor

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Excerpt: The Lost Children of Atlantis by Tanya R. Taylor

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