Interview with Thommy Hutson

Interview with Thommy Hutson

What genre do you write and why?

I write in a variety of genres, though in most of my work at the core is some sort of coming-of-age aspect. I am a huge fan of 80s/90s horror and teen movies, so that type of milieu is always present in my work, I think.

I’ve also written non-fiction on the making and legacy of the iconic horror film, “A Nightmare on Elm Street.” I’ll always enjoy doing that kind of work.

As a screenwriter, I’ve written animation, horror, drama and adventure. For me, no matter the genre or story, things are rooted in interesting, fun characters with a point of view.
Tell us about your latest book.
“Jinxed” is a horror/thriller about a group of high school seniors at a posh, secluded performing arts high school who are being killed one by one. One of the students realizes the connection is not just childhood superstitions, but something far more secretive. It’s up to them to figure out who the killer is, why it’s happening and, for some people, realizing they are closer to the madness than they could have ever expected.
It’s a book that plays with the ideas of teen horror, angst, drama and wanting to be the star. Everyone could have a motive and it doesn’t take long for suspicions to arise and fingers to start pointing.
It’s a fun, scary, thrilling story and one that I hope readers, especially lovers of 80s/90s horror, will get a kick out of.
What formats is the book available in?
The book is available as a paperback as well as for Kindle.
Who are your favourite authors?
Too many to name in one place! I’m a fan of horror, thrillers and coming-of-age stories. Stephen King (especially his early works), Wes Craven, Shirley Jackson, Agatha Christie, S.E. Hinton, Mark Twain, Jack London, John Green, David Levithan, Ray Bradbury, Harper Lee, Shakespeare … and so many others!
What advice do you have for other writers?
Write every day. Read every day. Make words one of the biggest parts of your life. Stories are one of the biggest, and most important, parts of the human experience. Be a part of that in whatever way you can.
Also, be yourself as a writer. You’re the only one who can write just like you. That’s an incredible advantage.
What's your favourite quote about writing/for writers?
“No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.”

--Robert Frost

Where can people find out more about you and your writing? has information about me, the work I’ve done and what I am up to. I also love engaging with people on social media. Follow me on Twitter: @ThommyHutson
Who designed the cover?

It was created by Sam Shearon. He is a phenomenal artist and he and I spoke about the things I wanted to see and what I wanted to convey. I was very vague and general, though I knew I wanted to see the school and the mask. Sam was able to put something together that was simply stunning. It was creepy, evocative and intriguing. I am so thrilled with the work he did to give the book its “face.”

Where can a reader purchase your book?

“Jinxed” releases March 13 and is available at Amazon and wherever books are sold.

I’m also doing a pre-release signing at Dark Delicacies bookstore in Burbank, CA. That event is Saturday, March 10th at 4pm. People can pre-order their copy and I’ll sign it. Those not in the area can still get their signed copy as the store will ship it to them. The link to order is here:

What are you currently reading?
I’m actually re-reading “Something Wicked This Way Comes.” I’m also reading “The Coalwood Way” by Homer Hickam and “A Killer Life” by Christine Vachon.

Interview with Thommy Hutson



  1. Interesting! This author sounds like a prolific writer.

  2. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me about "Jinxed!"


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