Turn A Page Or Two: A Good Place To Promote Your Book

Turn A Page Or Two: A Good Place To Promote Your Book, guest post by John Kaniecki

Unless you are fortunate enough to have an agent and are published by a major publisher you probably have a quandary over how to sell copies of your book. After all it is reported that a million books a year get published. One could literally write the best book in the universe but still not be successful. How does one navigate through the world of marketing?
At this point I want to declare that I too am a struggling writer. My wife is ill and she needs full time care. Thus I cannot work a conventional job. So I take times like this to write where every half a minute I stretch my neck back to look at her. So to me being successful is really a matter of ‘life or death’.
Turn A Page Or Two: A Good Place To Promote Your Book, guest post by John Kaniecki
I believe the key to becoming a successful writer is to start selling books. My friends encourage my writing efforts by telling me of all the big name writers who were repeatedly rejected. Also they tell me how people have submitted what are called literary classics. The only thing is that the manuscripts have been doctored with the names changed so they wouldn’t be recognized. These classics too received the horrid rejection.
Still I believe that book publishers would literally publish anything if they thought that they could make money off of it. So it is imperative for the self published writer or independent writer to be a successful marketer. That is why I am talking to you about my blog “Turn A Page Or Two”. http://johnkaniecki.blogspot.com
“Turn A Page Or Two” started off as part of my own marketing campaign. I tinkered with it on and off over the years. Now I have decided to turn it into a marketing tool, not only for myself but for others as well.
My wife Sylvia is from Grenada. They have a saying there “One hand washes the other and together, they wash the face”. Cooperation between writers can only lead to greater success. It is with that thought that I open up my website to anyone promoting their books. I would be giving you a guest blog on my page to use however you see fit. Just send your information to peacepoems@mail.com Include a blurb, biography, links and cover to the books. If you have more than one book to promote, send them in multiple emails. Look the blog over and see what I have done for others just like you.
I will be totally honest and upfront that this is in fact a way to promote my own writing and sell my books as well. It is my hope that when I promote your books that it will bring traffic to my page.
Also I am accepting poetry, stories, essays and book excerpts as well. I don’t pay but you will be able to promote your stuff. I am happy to accept reprints as long as you own the rights. Check out the simple guidelines. http://johnkaniecki.blogspot.com/2017/12/poetry-and-short-story-submissions.html

Turn A Page Or Two: A Good Place To Promote Your Book. Guest post by John Kaniecki
John Kaniecki is a native of Brooklyn, New York. While he has no memory of New York City but he is proud to call himself a native New Yorker. John spent a few years in Illinois but grew up in Pequannock, New Jersey. After graduating high school John went off to Hoboken to attend Steven's Institute of Technology.
Despite being in engineering school, John was clueless to the direction his life should take. After two years John dropped out of Steven's. He became a Christian and hitchhiked across the United States. Several months later he was hospitalized with bipolar disorder.
At this time John began to write poetry. A self published book called "A Day's Weather" shows his mind at this time. After years of struggle John eventually returned to college and graduated from Montclair State University. John went to work stocking shelves at Sears and then worked with an engineering firm. John married Sylvia Smith in 2004.
Once married John returned to his writing. His writing has been published in over 100 outlets. His poetry books are “Murmurings Of A Mad Man”, “Poet To The Poor, Poems Of Hope For The Bottom One Percent”, “Sunset Sonnets”, “A Days Weather”, “The Lost Cantos Of John Kaniecki”, and “Polishing The Fragments”. John has three science fiction anthologies, “Words Of The Future”, “Dark Matters” and “From Chaos To Cosmos” and a novel “I Should Have Been A Rock Star”. Also are two horror novellas “Scarecrow, Scarecrow” and “Satan’s Siren”. There are his memoirs “More Than The Madness”. Coming soon is a fantasy novel “Fallon From The Farm” and two horror novels “In The Mind Of Maggoo” and “Myroniac”.
Presently John is a full time caretaker for his wife. Also he volunteers as a missionary for the Church of Christ at Chancellor Avenue; which is in the inner city of Newark. He stays up light at night and writing in any free time in hopes of becoming a professional writer.
Twitter         @JohnKaniecki
Website        http://johnkaniecki.weebly.com/
Blog             http://johnkaniecki.blogspot.com/
Goodreads   John Kaniecki
Amazon Page http://amzn.to/2Ekjacj 


  1. Great set of promotion ideas!
    I think that it is also a good idea to promote your book via reviews and directly ask your readers about their opinions.


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