Being the CEO of Self-Publishing

Being the CEO of Self-Publishing, guest post by Kenzie Macallan

If you want to be captain of your own ship, dive into self-publishing. You just need to know what you’re getting into when you take the plunge. I’m publishing my second book so I’m writing to you from the early stages. I’m still navigating the waters. Here are some tips that I hope are helpful.

·         Before you are done with your manuscript, get on all the social media outlets: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. Create a website and keep it simple. My website is my name. Begin to put yourself out there as a writer and make connections with other writers. Connect with both beginning and experienced authors. I know some writers that wished they would have started two years before their first book came out. These are also your connections to editors, cover design artist, proofreaders, and promotion companies. It’s a community that is willingly to give advice.
·         After you write your first draft, put it away for at least six weeks. This is some great advice from Stephen King’s book On Writing. Then come back to it with fresh eyes and begin the editing process. I found the website AutoCrit to be very helpful in teasing out redundant word choice, passive verbs, comparisons to other writing in your genre, etc. Put your manuscript through at least two more rounds of editing.
·         Find yourself a great editor. This isn’t easy to do considering there’s a sea of editors out there who want your business. The connections you have made through social media and checking out author credits in their books will help you find an editor. The hard part is finding an editor who understands what you’re trying to do with your storyline. The connection between editor and writer is crucial.
·         Hire a professional cover design person. Start by looking at covers that catch your eye both in your genre and in other genres. Do some research to find out who did the work. Sometimes going against the trend can work in your favor. My book cover has a lot of color when the trend was black and white or dark covers.
·         Once you think your book is ready and finished, find a formatter. Formatting wasn’t something I attempted to do. If you feel technically confident in this area then go for it. But professional formatters know the little tricks, the latest trend for books, and add a professionalism you may miss. I have found it’s not that expensive and well worth it.
·         Put together and ARC (Advanced Reader/Reviewer Copy) in both ePUB and mobi (kindle). You can make a PDF yourself for those readers that want it. Start building a reader group that will read, give feedback and write a review when the book gets published.
·         Find a promotion company that has been around a while, has a strong audience base on all platforms and are professional. This is only the beginning of the promotional journey. It continues forever.
·         There are many ways to publish your book. There is Kindle Unlimited that some authors swear by and they make money. But you have to only be published with them. Kobo also does this but you can also put your book with other companies such as Nook and ibooks.
·         You should get ISBN numbers for both your ebooks and paperbacks. I took the plunge and bought a package of 10 directly from I knew I was going to be publishing many more books so it only made sense.
·         Get your manuscript registered with the copyright office. It’s inexpensive and worth it. It protects you should anyone want to decide to make another book out of your book. You can wait and do this within three months after publication.
·         The promoting and selling of your book never ends. It’s constant. It changes over time. My suggestions include Facebook ads, Amazon ads, Goodread giveaways, Facebook Takeovers on other pages, Twitter ads promos, and making connections with your readers through newsletters and website.
·         Your readers want to know who you are as a person. Don’t make all your posts on all platforms about your book. Show them who you are. Let them into your world both personally and as a writer.
·         Last, but not least, it costs money. The first year cost is probably the most you’ll spend. If you plan to write for a long time then I recommend you invest in that first year. The second year will be less expensive as you navigate what worked for you and what doesn’t.
·         Making inroads takes time. There are very few are overnight successes in this industry. It’s hard work. Finding your audience can be challenging. The good news, there are readers for every author.
·         Stay calm and write on!

Being the CEO of Self-Publishing, guest post by Kenzie Macallan
Kenzie lives with her husband in New England. She has been fortunate enough to travel all over the world to places like Africa, Greece, Switzerland, Holland, France, England and, of course, Scotland. Edinburgh is one of her favorite places. Creativity seems to be part of her soul as she paints portraits, takes photographs, and bakes. They have all added to her overactive imagination especially writing about strong women and alpha men. She looks forward to adding to her adventures and yours through secrets, strength, and passion.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What book would you like to see made into a feature film? Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie Wallace BWallace1980(at)hotmail(dot)com

    1. I would like to see my first book Truths made into a movie, then go from there. It's very hard to go from book to movie and have it translate.


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