As a new writer, are you wondering why your work isn’t getting the reaction you think it deserves or want? Then you may be making some simple but harmful errors as a new writer. New writers often make many mistakes, while some of these enable writers to learn and grow, some of them will make your writing bad.
Here are some things that you should avoid doing now that you are a writer.
Complicated Language
Many new writers think that in order to come across as professional and knowledgeable, that they need to use as many fancy, long words as possible but this is far from the truth. In fact, you should use simple language when and where possible. While you should always be aiming to increase your vocabulary, you should keep ‘fancy’ words to a minimum, unless they are required.
A general rule is that if someone who has no knowledge on the subject area you are writing about doesn’t understand what you’re saying, then you haven’t explained it clearly. Simple language is one of the best ways to achieve clarity.
If you ever need some help on how to write better, Writer’s Digest will be able to help you with some articles on how to better yourself and your writing style.
Never Editing
Now, when you read the word ‘editing’ you may have misunderstood what that actually means. Editing isn’t the same as proofreading, which is checking for spelling mistakes, it is reading through your work to make sure that you are only saying what needs to be said. Never waffle on about something that isn’t relevant to your point.
If you ever need help when it comes to editing, or writing for that matter, there are writing services such as UK Top Writers who are able to help you.
Not Telling a Story
You should realise that all types of writing are storytelling, and therefore you need to choose all of your words and how you say them carefully. Create a ‘feel’ and direction right from the start and execute it effectively.
Finishing Within a Day
Many new writers may think that good writers are able to create a masterpiece within a day and that is what they should be doing, when in actual fact a lot of work can take many weeks to perfect. If you think that you work if error free, sit on it and come back within a day or even a week or two, you will soon be making changes to what you wrote.
Not Networking
When it comes to landing yourself writing jobs, you need to get yourself out there and spend time networking with relevant people. You should try to connect with people within the industry – the internet is the perfect place for networking and you can find hundreds of people who may be able to get your name out there.
Never Have a Niche
Many people will try to tell you that you need to be choosing just the one area to focus on, but this isn’t a great piece of advice. While focusing on a topic to learn about will enable you to create better work within that topic, you may become uninterested in it eventually. You don’t want to be stuck with 10 years of experience in just the one area because it will affect your ability at gaining new jobs if you change your mind.
Taking Experience for Granted
A lot of new writers will take gaining experience for granted, when being a new writer is the prime time to be gaining experience as you don’t have much of it and every area is open to you. Start writing on a range of topics to show that you can be adaptable.
Not Selling Yourself
You should never wait for the work to come to you, you need to get yourself out there and connect with people. A great way to do this is by emailing relevant businesses and people who you may be able to work with and help out. Never wait for people you know you offer you jobs – go out and grab them or convince people they should create a job for you.
Not Showcasing Your Work
You should always be showing off your writing talent, a good way to do this is to create a blog or website where you can showcase your portfolio or to create pieces especially for that platform. This will work perfectly when it comes to landing jobs, as you will have a portfolio to send potential clients and you may even start getting clients coming to you.
Speaking of showcasing yourself, a wonderful platform for this is Writing World. Not only does it advertise competitions to get involved in, it also helps by offering information on how to get started as a writer as well as other vital pieces of information.
Calling Yourself ‘Aspiring’
The reason why you should never be calling yourself an aspiring writer is that the journey of expanding your knowledge, networking, gaining new contacts and building relationships never ends; it is a constant journey when you have decided to work as a writer. The journey of getting your name out there will never end.
When you are at moments in your career where you would like to improve, Writers Workshopis able to offer some great advice.
Rachel Summers is a writer, local newspaper reporter, a British journalist, and a freelance creative writer and editor.
advice for writers
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new writers
Rachel Summers
tips for writers
Top 10 Things to Avoid as A New Writer
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