Interview with Jae Ellard

Interview with Jae Ellard

Tell us about your latest book.
Success with Stress starts with the assumption you will experience stress in your life. This book explores 5 proactive ideas to spark your personal power to change the duration and frequency of the stress in your life. Stress helps us survive as a species - because of that we want the ability to be stressed. That said, being able to manage stress with greater success is the difference between surviving and thriving. Success with Stress explores five simple ideas to spark your personal power to change the level, duration, and frequency of the stress in your life.

Interview with Jae Ellard
How long did it take you to write your book?
The initial draft for Success with Stress came rather quickly and all at once. It was the editing process that lasted a few months to crystalize the concepts and find the right balance between the simplicity of ideas and the potency of the concepts. The book went through a second birthing cycle working with an art designer to create a whimsical format for a not so whimsical topic.

Did you learn anything from writing your book that was unexpected?
Yes, I learned much that was unexpected – like how much work I still needed to do in managing my own relationship with stress. It’s a constant practice working with the concepts of communication, control and compassion.

What inspired you to become a writer?
There was no single moment of inspiration – it was just something I could not not do. As a young child, words and language fascinated me. It was really through song lyrics and poetry that I found my way to becoming a writer and the free form expression of words to communicate thoughts and feelings.

How do you research your books?
First, I go into an almost manic research stage, diving as deeply as I can into the subject. Next, I talk with people about how this topic actually shows up in their life – to discover the gap between the research and the reality. Lastly, I deeply contemplate all of the research I’ve gathered. It is from these three spaces that my books emerge.

What books or authors have most influenced your life?
Shel Silverstein and Theodor Seuss Geisel “Dr. Suess” for their whimsical and imaginative use of language, Pico Iyer for his ability to speak poignant truth and tell a story at the same time, and Pema Chodron for making complicated concepts simple to ingest.

What are you currently reading?

When you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?
When not writing or teaching I can be found in movement – hiking, walking, in yoga or trying a new sport.  I’m a lifelong learner, avid reader and fan of most any lecture series. I love photography and live music and spending time with my friends and family and just hanging out and being. 

What is your work in progress? Tell us about it.
I’m really interested in continuing to help people have conversations they want to have but don’t know how to have or are fearful to have with themselves or others.  It sounds really simple to say what you mean, but simple doesn’t mean it’s easy to do. That’s the focus of my next project.

Where can people find out more about you and your writing?
Individuals can find out more about me, my writing, and my company on the Simple Intentions website, Thrive Global, and Mindful Magazine.


  1. Thank you, Jo! I very much appreciate being featured on Writers and Authors as well as your thought-provoking interview questions. Extremely grateful for your time and including me in this community.
    Be well.


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