Excerpt: The Butcher's Daughter (A Journey Between Worlds) by Mark M. McMillin
Title: The Butcher's Daughter (A Journey Between Worlds)
Author: Mark M. McMillin
Genre: Historical Nautical Fiction (Elizabethan Era, Spanish Armada), Adventure, Romance, War, New World
About the Book
In an age ruled by iron men, in a world of new discovery and Spanish gold, a young Irishwoman named Mary rises from the ashes of her broken childhood with ships and men-at-arms under her command. She and her loyal crew prowl the Caribbean and prosper in the New World for a time until the ugly past Mary has fled from in the old one finds her. Across the great ocean to the east, war is coming.
The King of Spain is assembling the most powerful armada the world has ever seen - an enormous beast - to invade England and depose the Protestant "heretic queen." To have any chance against the wealth and might of Spain, England will need every warship, she will need every able captain. To this purpose, Queen Elizabeth spares Mary from the headman's axe for past sins in exchange for her loyalty, her ships and men.
Based on true historical events, this is a tale about war, adventure, love and betrayal. This is a story about vengeance, this is a tale of heartbreak...
This is a prequel to Gather the Shadowmen (the Lords of the Ocean), Prince of the Atlantic and Nampoleon's Gold.
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2dABp1z
I stood on
the poop deck next to MacGyver, Michael MacGyver, my best man at the helm,
watching the morning sun, dressed in brilliant red, rise majestically above the
sea’s shimmering green waters. A good, flowing wind filled our sails and the
ship was cruising along nicely. We had Dowlin’s magnificent ship in tow and I
could hear my men with their saws and hammers working to repair her shattered
rudder. It was a glorious morning. It was a hallelujah
“Good day,
Mum,” Hunter said with a mischievous grin as he made his way up the
companionway and handed me a mug of steaming, black coffee. “Sleep well my
“I did
indeed, Master Hunter, I did indeed. And you?”
“I have no
complaints. I feel most refreshed.”
From the
corner of my eye, I could see MacGyver crack a thin smile. A ship is a small
place, too small for secrets. The whole crew knew that Hunter and I were
I savored
the coffee’s rich aroma for a bit before I took a sip. “What course, MacGyver?
Did old Gilley even give you one before he retired to his hammock or are you
sailing aimlessly about on the open sea to only God knows where?”
“We sail for the Na Sailtí, my lady.”
“Ahhh, the
Saltee Islands,” I said. “I thought as much.”
No one had
ever accused Dowlin of being clever. The Saltee Islands, lying just off Kilmore
Quay between Waterford and Wexford, was an obvious choice. The islands were
remote and uninhabited and not far from Dowlin’s base at Youghal. Still,
without a map or guide, one could roam those small islands for years and not
find any buried treasure.
grabbed my mug of coffee from my hand and took a sip. “Dowlin’s brothers,” he
said soberly, staring absently out at the horizon, “ghastly brutes the pair of
them, will want revenge when they hear of what we’ve done, Mary. Righteous or
not, the gods always exact a price for a killing.”
Only Hunter
and Gilley ever addressed me by my given name. Mary had been my mother’s name.
But I did not know her. She had died when I was very young. They say she had
been a rare beauty. They say that before my father took her in and married her,
she had been a whore.
“No doubt,”
I said evenly, stealing a secret moment to admire Hunter’s exquisite face in
the soft, morning light.
He had not yet
shaved. He wore no hat and had neglected braiding his long, black hair into a
queue. The breezes toyed with the loose strands, brushing them across his face.
His eyes were striking blue. His chin was square and strong. I thought him the
most handsome man in all of Ireland, perhaps in all of Christendom.
Hunter used
his fingers to comb the tangled mess off his forehead. He turned to face me and
gave me a puzzled look.
“Out with
it, Hunter,” I demanded.
“I’d rather
see it comin’ than get it in the back. That’s all, my lady.”
“I agree,”
MacGyver chimed in, “with Hunter.”
“You agree
with Hunter do you now?” I asked mockingly as I placed my hands on my hips. “As
if I give a damn what you two agree on! Do I smell a mutiny brewing aboard my
Hunter and
MacGyver exchanged knowing glances and chuckled. As every man in my crew knew,
any one of them could speak his mind freely and without fear. Honest speech was
protected by one of the Ten Rules, though precisely which one I doubt any of us
Then Gilley,
climbing up the ladder from the main deck, stepped onto the quarter deck
carrying a basket of bread from the ship’s galley. The bread was freshly baked,
still warm and smelled delicious.
“Mutiny is
it?” Gilley asked while handing out his loaves. “Never trusted the likes of
these two, Mum. Be happy to gut them both for you after they finish their
breakfast. I’ll hang their worthless carcasses off the main yardarm to rot. Let
them serve as a warnin’ to all other would be mutineers.”
“Hunter,” I
said, “is worried about Dowlin’s brothers.”
“Ah, and
well he should be, Mum,” replied Gilley with a serious nod. “Well he should be.
Them two aren’t no better than Dowlin. Worse maybe. An ill-tempered litter
sprung from the angry womb of an ill-tempered bitch.”
“Aye,” I
agreed. “So gentlemen, we must be the first to strike. And when we strike we
must do so with deadly purpose.”
About the Author
Born in 1954 in Indiana, Mark McMillin has lived in a number of states throughout the U.S. as well as overseas. He attended Canisius College in Buffalo, New York, focusing his studies mostly on military history, and served as a cadet in Canisius's nationally recognized ROTC program. After graduating in 1976, Mark was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army and was stationed in Bad Kissingen, Germany where he served with the elite 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment.
In 1986, Mark received his J.D. degree from The John Marshall Law School in Chicago, Illinois and began his legal career with a law firm in White Plains, New York focusing his attention on general corporate law. In 1994, Mark moved to Virginia and ventured out into hazardous world of litigation where, in 1999, he won what was reported to be at the time one of the largest and longest federal criminal trials in Virginia's history. Mark thereafter moved to Georgia where he resumed his general corporate practice and served as general counsel for several companies, including a $1B publicly-traded airline.
Mark has been a life-long student of military history. And he has always had a passion for reading and love for writing and wanted to someday write his own book. But write a book about what? Mark had no desire to write about some subject that 100 authors before him had already delved into. And then, almost by accident, this fascinating, little known story of Captain Luke Ryan fell into his lap. It was an opportunity was too good to pass on and so Mark began the long and tedious journey of researching, writing and rewriting. The twelve year project ended in 2011 with Gather the Shadowmen (The Lords of the Ocean), Prince of the Atlantic and Napoleon's Gold.
Mark currently lives in the Southeastern part of the United States.
A few of Mark's favorite books include: Robert Fagel's two brilliant translations of Homer's Odyssey and the Iliad, Tolkien's wonderful Lord of the Rings trilogy, Table in the Wilderness by Norton S. Parker, Irving Stone's The Agony and the Ecstasy, Herman Wouk's The Winds of War, Tom Clancy's The Hunt for the Red October, Vincent Bugliosi's riveting And The Sea Will Tell and Steven Pressfield's beautifully written Gates of Fire.
Please visit Mark's website at wwwPrivateerLukeRyan.com for more information.
A Journey Between Worlds
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The Butcher's Daughter
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