The CleanSweep Conspiracy is my fourth
novel. I am beyond excited now that it is released and available. It is a
dystopian thriller that is being well received by readers. When I hear someone
say “page-turner” or “had me on the edge of my seat,” I knew I was doing
something right.
My writing has
been, and continues to be, a remarkable journey. Each book has its own story
and each of my books is populated with unique characters. Asking me to choose
which of my four novels I like best would be like asking parents which of their
children they like best. Well, here’s a plot spoiler. The CleanSweep Conspiracy is the best.
By far, it was
the hardest to write. The characters became very important to me, and the
underlying theme is one I feel we should all be talking about. That’s the
balance between personal freedom and privacy and how much of that we are
willing to trade away in order to feel safe.
I was once asked
what it’s like to be an author in three words. That was easy. For me writing is
1) sweaty, 2) unavoidable and 3) rewarding.
Did I just say
sweaty? Writing can be hard work. Okay, it’s not like lifting steel I-beam,
pounding pavement with a jackhammer, or shingling a roof in the summer heat.
That’s all physical stuff. I’m talking about the way the brain sweats as I am
developing a story and beginning to write. How can I explain why I figuratively
feel clammy meeting new characters? When they begin to populate one of my stories
some will do good things, even become a protagonist. Some will be bad, even
evil. But all are interesting, and yet perspiration comes with the countless
hours at the keyboard, drenched in imaginary moisture, trying to make sense of
the stories my characters are whispering to me.
Writing, for me,
is divided into three parts. The first part is great fun, the beginning. The
end is a time for celebration, it’s over. But, oh my, there’s a monster living
in the middle; rewriting, suffering criticism, rewriting and more rewriting. I
call the monster the sweaty part.
When asked the
second question I said writing is unavoidable for me. Long ago trying to figure
out the why, I simply have this urge to write stories and introduce my
characters. I write for myself first. I do it to honor the characters. If my
writing finds its way to a reader, and the reader likes the story, I feel like
I have hit the trifecta.
The characters in
The CleanSweep Conspiracy had a story
for me that seemed urgent and important. Unavoidable? You bet.
That brings me to
the final question, the rewarding part. Over thirty years ago I realized how
much fun it is to be a creative writer. It’s hardly a secret that writers love
readers. Hearing from a reader that they enjoyed a story means it wasn’t a
waste of time, theirs and mine. All the hard work is for someone’s enjoyment. A
writer without a reader is like…well, it’s unthinkable.
Born in Iowa, Chuck Waldron lived in Ontario, Canada, before relocating to Florida’s Treasure Coast. Over the years, he’s held many jobs. The ones he can mention in print include US Army soldier, truck driver, office manager, mailman, real estate salesman, social worker, hardware store clerk, and shuttle driver.
Fate played a crucial role when he walked into his first writing class, and he still honors the memory of the teacher, Henrietta. She gave him permission to write. That—along with countless writing groups, classes, seminars, and much sweat—has resulted in over fifty short stories and four novels.
Waldron often likes to pretend interest, lacks perseverance, and could generally use a good talking to—until it comes to his writing, that is. He and his wife Suzanne reside in Port St. Lucie, Florida. While keeping an eye out for hurricanes, alligators, and Burmese pythons, he’s busy writing his next novel
Connect with the author: Website Twitter Facebook
Fate played a crucial role when he walked into his first writing class, and he still honors the memory of the teacher, Henrietta. She gave him permission to write. That—along with countless writing groups, classes, seminars, and much sweat—has resulted in over fifty short stories and four novels.
Waldron often likes to pretend interest, lacks perseverance, and could generally use a good talking to—until it comes to his writing, that is. He and his wife Suzanne reside in Port St. Lucie, Florida. While keeping an eye out for hurricanes, alligators, and Burmese pythons, he’s busy writing his next novel
Connect with the author: Website Twitter Facebook
advice for writers
Chuck Waldron
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Jo Linsdell
The Cleansweep Conspiracy
The Sweaty Part of Writing
writing process
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