Book Review: The Murder That Never Was by Andrea Kane

Book Review: The Murder That Never Was by Andrea Kane

Title: The Murder That Never Was

Author: Andrea Kane

Purchasing link:

About the Book:

A 16-year-old female gymnast’s dream of Olympic gold is shattered when the “supplement” she has been taking turns out to be a designer performance enhancing drug. 

Her trainer, Julie Forman, is furious at the people who victimized her star pupil, and goes on a personal crusade for the truth. That crusade is interrupted by a serendipitous crossing of paths between Julie and Lisa Barnes, a down-on-her-luck woman seeking a job. This chance meeting lands one of them six feet under and the other hiding behind one lie after another. 

In a twisting tale of medical research gone awry, bodies are piling up between Chicago, New Jersey and Vermont as a megalomaniacal genius will stop at nothing to eradicate the research error and everyone involved. 


  1. Thanks, Jo! I'm so glad you enjoyed The Murder That Never Was. It's on my TBR shortlist & you moved it up even higher! Thank you!
    I'll bet that formatting issue was because of the ARC translation -- I can't wait to find out.


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