What EssayLancers Can Do for You Either as a Writer or Writing Agency

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What EssayLancers Can Do for You Either as a Writer or Writing Agency #SponsoredPost

Writing agencies and freelance writers can now use an open platform called Essaylancers.com to find each other and improve their working relationships. Agencies and writers can communicate and cooperate with each other to benefit them both. The platform at EssayLancers allows writers to find jobs, rate writing agencies, communicate and network with other writers, show their professional accomplishments and writing skill, all on a free platform. Whether you are looking to maintain your reputation or start a writing career, the perfect place to do it is through EssayLancers. Below are some perks of this freelancing platform.

Academic Writers

Find a Writing Career
It's very simple to get a job on EssayLancers.com. You will find both permanent and temporary writing projects on the platform that are being offered by various writing agencies. You decide whether you want to work full or part time and this platform will connect you with the work. It offers a list of jobs and projects that are currently available to writers and all you do is bid on them to access work. You are paid directly through the agency that is hiring for the particular project.

Being a writer on Essay Lancers gives you the opportunity to get rated by agencies on a scale of 1 through 10. This scale will promote your professionalism and work ethics including your master of grammar, punctuality and specialization. It doesn't stop there, however.  You can also rate the writing agencies and provide feedback to help other writers.

Karma Points
You get 'karma' points for your participation on the platform's forum. The karma points are given on each comment and thread as well as how many +/- marks you get by other forum users.

Ability to Earn
There is no need to search online through various websites to find a job. EssayLancers has it all under one roof. On their platform, you will have direct contact with potential writing agencies and will have the opportunity to expand your list of clients that you write for. The writing agencies will be able to see your writing portfolio and determine if you are a good fit for their part-time, full-time or project-based freelance opportunity. You can choose any job that appeals to you and are under no obligation to take a job if you don't want it.

Share and Get Noticed
This platform allows you to get noticed. You set up your professional profile and share your ideas, knowledge, samples and experience. This puts you out there in the online market of other professional writers and enables writing companies to find you. You are also encouraged to share your working experience with the writing agencies on the platform, provide feedback, ratings, etc.

Online Writing Agencies

Through EssayLancers.com, you can find only the most suitable and professional writers for your academic writing jobs. Whether you are looking for a writer to complete a quick research paper project or are looking to establish a handful of experienced and professional writer base, this is the place to do it. You can promote that you are hiring on the site and screen potential writers for your jobs. The freelance writing business has never been easier than this.


  1. Hi. I have question.
    Is that site woek like as like Upwork and fiverr?


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