Interview with Fiona Ingram

Interview with Fiona Ingram #AuthorInterview #Books

What genre do you write and why?
I write Middle Grade adventure because I find there’s a wonderful kind of magicality about this age group and the themes writers can approach. My book series was inspired by a family visit with my mom and my two nephews, aged 10 and 12 at the time. We visited Egypt (where the plot of Book One in the series takes place) and I saw everything through their eyes, and it was fantastic to see them approach each place and situation with a rare kind of wonder and excitement. I wanted to capture that in all my MG books.

Interview with Fiona Ingram #AuthorInterview #Books
Tell us about your latest book.
I’m promoting Book Two in my MG Chronicles of the Stone series. The Search for the Stone of Excalibur continues the adventure that began in Book One (The Secret of the Sacred Scarab) and takes our two young heroes, cousins Justin and Adam, to Great Britain in search of an ancient stone that might be embedded in Excalibur’s hilt, giving King Arthur’s sword its legendary powers.

What marketing methods are you using to promote your book?
I do just about everything: blog tours, author interviews, Tweet posts, blog posts, and a reader email newsletter, among any good ideas that might present a promotional opportunity. 

What formats is the book available in?
The Search for the Stone of Excalibur is available in print and e-book format.

What advice do you have for other writers?
Even when you feel like giving up, never give up. Make sure your book meets the industry’s highest standards. Do something every day to let people know about your book/s.

Where can people find out more about you and your writing?
I’d love for people to find out more about my books and read a first chapter, as well as download a free Young Explorer’s Companion Guide to each book by visiting

Why do you think readers are going to enjoy your book?
Young and young at heart readers, readers who are either in the MG age group or remember being there, will enjoy my books because there is such a wonderful sense of adventure. My heroes go to amazing places and encounter danger, are inspired to do great deeds, have to think on their feet to get out of sticky situations, and they learn about themselves, life, and other cultures as they go along. It is an amazing quest that I find everyone just loves to read.

Interview with Fiona Ingram #AuthorInterview #Books
How do you research your books?
All my MG books are set in countries that the average young reader might not visit, (such as Egypt, Mexico, Turkey and India) as well as incorporating history, geography, myths and legends, and cultural elements. I do a mountain of research to not only get the facts right as the story progresses, but also to select just the right information to inform and intrigue a young reader without overwhelming them.

What is your work in progress? Tell us about it.
Book 3 in the series, The Temple of the Crystal Timekeeper, is with my editor right now. It’s very exciting as my young heroes and their friend crash land in the Mexican jungle on their quest. They are rescued by an uncontacted tribe and much danger and mayhem ensue.

What are your thoughts on self-publishing verses traditional publishing?
Many writers self-publish by default because they aren’t picked up by either an agent or a publisher. They have to work harder to make sure their product is perfect, as well as then market their product. However, I think traditional publishing gives writers the stamp of legitimacy they crave. The best option is hybrid publishing where a writer can self publish some books and have others with a traditional publisher. The stigma attached to self-publishing is long gone because so many established authors are happily calling themselves hybrid authors.


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