Writing Challenges To Do This Year

Writing Challenges To Do This Year #AmWriting #WritingGoals

Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed the holidays. I know I did. Now though, it's time to get back to work. Finding it hard to get motivated? Need a kick start to get the creative juices flowing again after the break? Why not take part in a challenge?

I love a good challenge. It helps keep motivation high, and gives focus. Are you the same? If you are you might want to check out some of these awesome challenges during 2016:

The 750 words one month challenge http://750words.com/one_month

This website publishes a new writing challenge every Tuesday https://dailypost.wordpress.com/category/writing-challenges/

The Shapeshifting 13 Micro-fiction Writing Challenge. A weekly micro-fiction writing challenge http://www.grammarghoulpress.com/writing-challenge/the-shapeshifting-13/

12x12 challenge. Write and revise 12 picture story books in 12 months. http://12x12challenge.com/

ReviMo, January 10th-16th. A revision challenge for picture story books http://megmillerwrites.blogspot.it/p/revimo-2016.html

PiBoIdMo, 30 ideas for picture books in 30 days. November http://taralazar.com/piboidmo/

NaNoWriMo, 50K in 30 days, November http://nanowrimo.org/

30 Day Creative Writing Challenge. This is an old post but good for those of you that want a prompt style challenge to get you writing. http://mycreativewritingchallenge.tumblr.com/post/16858313832/30-day-creative-writing-challenge

Not enough? Here's some more:

What challenges will you be taking part in this year? Did I miss a good challenge from this list? Leave a comment below with the link so I can check it out.


  1. Thanks Rebecca. It's an honour to have Writers and Authors listed in so many top 100 lists :)


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