100 Blog Post Ideas for Authors

100 Blog Post Ideas for Authors #Blogging #Authors

What to blog about

Blogging can be a great way to build your author brand, connect with your readers, and help sell more books. "45% of marketers say blogging is their #1 most important content strategy", so why are there still authors who shy away from blogging? A common answer I hear is "I don't know what to blog about".

Todays post will give you 100 blog post ideas for authors, meaning you no longer have the excuse of not knowing what to blog about and can start making good use of this awesome marketing tool ;)

1) Share book reviews of books you've read.

2) Give behind the scenes insight into what your typical day is like.

3) Talk about the tools, apps, etc... you use regularly.

4) Share tips and tricks about how you organise your writing life.

5) List some of your all time favourite books and talk about why you like them.

6) List your favourite author blogs.

7) Post excerpts from your published books

8) Post teasers for upcoming books/works in progress

9) Share your thoughts about the current state of the publishing industry

10) Create a dream cast of actors for your book.

11) Talk about resources, and websites you use.

12) Share cut scenes from your published books.

13) Give background information about your characters.

14) Feature your favourite reviews of your books.

15) Interview a fan about what they think of your book.

16) List your personal goals for the coming year, month, etc...

17) Run a fan contest (they could win a free copy of one of your books, or some author/book swag)

18) Talk about book clubs. Maybe give some ideas for talking points they could use in connection to your book.

19) List events for readers in your genre.

20) Let your fans know where to find you on social media and what hashtags to use to talk about your book.

21) Write about someone who has been influential in your writing career.

22) Talk about writing classes you've taken, or would like to take.

23) Highlight your favourite quotes about writing.

24) Review writing products.

25) Explain how you research for a book.

26) Explain your writing process.

27) Talk about how to outline a book.

28) Spotlight fellow authors who inspire you.

29) Talk about writers block and how you overcome it.

30) Share photos of your writing space.

31) Talk about upcoming events you'll be attending or would like to attend.

32) Talk about why you choose to self publish, traditionally publish, etc...

33) Share about how you found your editor, cover designer, literary agent, etc...

34) Talk about how you come up with character names.

35) Talk about street teams and how readers can become part of yours.

36) Share about your first published book. How you felt when it was released, how you feel about it now, and how it sold.

37) List your favourite books from this year and why you like them.

38) List upcoming books you can't wait to read.

39) List your favourite books from when you were a child.

40) Share your hopes and fears for your writing career.

41) Talk about your favourite social media platforms to use and what you like about them.

42) Post a soundtrack for your book.

43) Post about any guest posts, or appearances you'll be doing.

44) Highlight past interviews, guest posts, or features you've done.

45) Share pictures that inspired scenes in your book.

46) Talk about how you juggle being a writer with other responsibilities e.g. being a parent, other job, etc..

47) Discuss print books, ebooks, audiobooks, etc... and talk about which you prefer as a reader.

48) Describe your dream launch party for your upcoming book.

49) Talk about the people who have supported your writing career.

50) Share random facts about you and/or your book.

51) Talk about publishing industry news and share your thoughts about it.

52) Tell readers how they can help support you are a writer.

53) Discuss how to write a quality book review and why they are important for authors.

54) Talk about merchandise for your books. Share pictures if you have them, or ask your readers what kinds of merchandise they would like.

55) Describe how to throw a themed party for one of your books.

56) List a round up of writing blogs you follow.

57) Talk about rejection and how you handle it.

58) Talk about your local library.

59) Ask readers to help you pick the book cover of your upcoming book.

60) Share a video book trailer for your book.

61) Talk about when you realised you wanted to be an author. Life long dream or happened late on?

62) List writing tips you've pick up along the way.

63) Share about a book that had a big impact on you as a reader.

64) Share about a book that had a big impact on you as a writer.

65) Share your thoughts about who should win the next Nobel Prize for Literature and why.

66) Interview other authors in your genre.

67) Share a round up list of links to articles you found useful when writing your book.

68) Share about a writing retreat you took part in, or would like to attend.

69) List your favourite fictional heroes and villains and talk about what you like about them.

70) Highlight your favourite inspirational quotes.

71) Describe your dream office/ writing space.

72) Compare books and films, and talk about whether the movie did the book justice or not.

73) List your favourite words/ words you try to avoid using in your writing.

74) Discuss virtual book tours and how to create them.

75) Talk about how you build scenes.

76) Share a press release for your book or upcoming author event.

77) Share tips and highlights from events you attended.

78) Discuss writing and publishing scams.

79) Share advice and lessons learned.

80) Talk about book marketing and the strategies you've tried. Ask readers for input.

81) Share some flash fiction.

82) Talk about the low point of your writing career to date.

83) Talk about the high point of your writing career to date.

84) Showcase fan photos of them with your books, drawings of your characters, etc...

85) Share about writing challenges like NaNoWriMo, PiBoIdMo, etc... Why you do them/don't do them.

86) Share about special deals on your books.

87) Talk about writing book blurbs.

88) Talk about your journey to publication.

89) Talk about writer fashion. Do you wear Pjs all day?

90) Share best of the web lists. Authors to follow on Twitter, Facebook, etc... Book marketing experts to follow, etc...

91) Talk about being a healthy writer. How do you deal with long hours of sitting? Do you write standing up? Exercise? 

92) Talk about paper vs computer, and how you write your first draft.

93) Discuss why writers should also be marketers.

94) Share 3 things you do before you start writing.

95) Plotter or panster? Share what works best for you.

96) Talk about what you want to achieve as an author.

97) Share the best writing advice you ever received.

98) Share the best book marketing advice you ever received.

99) Talk about who has influenced you as a writer.

100) Talk about best selling books in your genre and why you think they are selling.


  1. Excellent list! Writing scenes for novels all day can drain the brain of much-needed blogging creativity. I'll be sure to refer to this list often— and I'm sharing your list on Twitter today!

  2. Excellent list! Writing scenes for novels all day can drain the brain of much-needed blogging creativity. I'll be sure to refer to this list often— and I'm sharing your list on Twitter today!


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