NaNoWriMo: Proven strategies on how to finish your NaNoWriMo novel.

#NaNoWriMo: Proven strategies on how to finish your novel. #WritingTips @Writers_Authors

November is NaNoWriMo when writers from across the globe join together to write 50,000 words in 31 days.

At 1667 words per day, for many it can take motivation, discipline and a little planning to reach the required word count. While for others, the month offers an opportunity to write the start of a first draft without any expectations.

Once the middle of November arrives, however, some writers can become side-tracked with distractions and maybe even be tempted to give up on the days they feel uncreative and tired.

Fortunately, Stop Procrastinating, the productivity website, has surveyed 2000 NaNoWriMo writers ahead of this year’s challenge to find out what kept them going until the very end.

The findings are actionable and practical. From undertaking a little planning before hand from doing a little writing on your lunch break and learning how to write anywhere, the strategies are sure to help many undertaking the challenge this year to reach the 50,000 goal.

Stop Procrastinating has pulled all the results together in the infographic below. 

#NaNoWriMo: Proven strategies on how to finish your novel. #WritingTips @Writers_Authors

You can find a larger version of the infographic at


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