What genre do
you write and why?
write contemporary fiction—mostly realistic, although my first novel has
aspects of fantasy as well! I just love writing about the beauty in real,
day-to-day lives.
Tell us about your
latest book.

What marketing methods
are you using to promote your book?
I use Twitter, Facebook, Wordpress, and
Instagram to market my novel—gotta love social media!
What formats is the
book available in?
and Kindle.
Who are your favourite
Markus Zusak and Audrey Niffenegger.
What advice do you
have for other writers?
Set goals for yourself and FORCE yourself to write sometimes, even when
you really, really don’t want to (that’s when some of the best material
surfaces). Don’t listen to the people who will inevitably try to discourage
What's your favourite
quote about writing/for writers?
I really like the Hemingway quote, “There is nothing to writing. All you
do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”
What's the best thing
about being a writer?
The best thing is hearing from readers who really enjoyed your work—it’s so
incredibly fulfilling, even if it’s just ONE random stranger telling you they
cried during chapter 5, etc.
Where can people find
out more about you and your writing?
Please connect with me on Twitter, Facebook,
Instagram, or Wordpress! All of my sites are listed on my website:
Who is you
favorite character in your book and why?
My favorite character is a very minor part—Jake Reynolds
(which is actually my cousin’s name, but the character is nothing like my
cousin haha). He is just funny—comic relief in the best way.
Why do you think
readers are going to enjoy your book?
I think it’s fun to ponder
the afterlife—where we go, what happens—whether it be heaven, reincarnation, or
something else entirely!
How long did it take you to
write your book?
I started
it when I was so young, still in college! Then I finished it up a couple years
later in just a few months. I was furiously typing away at a terrible desk job
that left me with nothing else to do for hours on end!
Who designed the cover?
An amazing graphic designer named
Marija Vilotijevic who works for Expert Subjects.
Did you learn anything
from writing your book that was unexpected?
I definitely learned a lot about the entire self-publishing process. I
can’t wait to finish up with my next novel and use what I’ve learned from the
Where can a
reader purchase your book?
Amazon, mainly! But if you happen to be in Austin, TX,
BookPeople also sells copies.
What are you doing to
market the book?
I find a lot of fellow bookworms on
social media and request reviews J Most are willing to try something new
by an unheard of author!
Who inspires you?
My mother, my students, my
boyfriend…everyone I love, really!
How do you research your
Waiting Room didn’t
require much research other than typical life experiences, but good ol’ Google
does the trick for me.
What is your work in
progress? Tell us about it.
I honestly haven’t written enough of it yet to decide if I even like
it haha but I will say it is 100% realistic contemporary fiction, no aspect of
fantasy in this one.
What are your thoughts on
self-publishing verses traditional publishing?
I love self-publishing! I wanted to
have a lot of creative control and I wanted to get this novel out as soon as
possible—you just can’t have either of those things in traditional publishing.
Who or what inspired you to
become a writer?
I’ve been
writing ever since I was really young—it was my creative outlet as a super
imaginative only child. So I guess the first thing that inspired me was that
loneliness—needing somewhere to get my thoughts and feelings out. I was soon
filling up notebook after notebook.
Does your family support
you in your writing career? How?
My parents definitely do—they were some of my first readers and
reviewers. They’re always sharing my posts with their friends and encouraging
me to keep writing.
What are you currently reading?
I just started the Outlander series—I wanted to know what
all the hype was about!
What books or authors
have most influenced your life?
I remember reading The Time
Traveler’s Wife and just being so stunned at how much emotion it evoked—I
sat and cried and cried and cried! A book had never made me feel so much, and I
immediately began writing my novel.
When you’re not
writing, how do you spend your time?
I’m a high school English teacher, so a lot of my time is
spent wrangling 9th graders! I also enjoy blogging, reading (of
course), and exploring the amazing city of Austin, TX!
advice for authors
advice for writers
Alysha Kaye
author interview
interview feature
Jo Linsdell
The Waiting Room
writers and authors
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