What genre do
you write and why?
I write in the horror/ thriller genre. I write in this genre
because I grew up around it. When I was in elementary I would spend my summers
watching as many as eight or nine horror movies each night, and I also remember
hearing many different urban legends and ghost stories while growing up. Those
memories fueled my love for all things creepy and dark and as a product of that
my imagination became pretty wicked. When I decided to start writing my head
was already filled with these stories waiting to be unleashed into the world.
My latest book is entitled Highway 187
and it
is a collection of short ghost stories. One of the stories that I use in the
book is based on actual events that happened to me when I was in Jr. High School.
The rest of the stories are either completely fabricated or loosely based on
ghost stories I heard while growing up.
What marketing methods
are you using to promote your book?
My marketing methods at the moment include
posting on social media (mainly Facebook) and doing blogs, interviews, and
author takeovers. I am fairly new in the game so I am still learning.
What formats is the
book available in?
The book is currently available on Amazon in
eBook and paperback.
Who are your favourite
My favourite authors are Stephen King, Edgar
Allen Poe, and Agatha Christie.
My advice for writers is don’t let rejection be a
deterrent. I have gone through several different publishing companies and
magazines trying to get some of my work published and have been rejected by
almost all of them. Persistence pays off, and as long as you keep moving
forward success will find you. Don’t expect to be an overnight success, it
takes work and dedication. It might seem hard and impossible, but in the end it
is worth every struggle that you go through.
What's your favourite
quote about writing/for writers?
There are a few of them.
“You might not write well every day, but you
can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page”---Jodi Picoult
“All writing problems are psychological problems. Blocks
usually stem from the fear of being judged. If you imagine the world listening,
you’ll never write a line. That’s why privacy is so important. You should write
first drafts as if they will never be shown to anyone.”
–Erica Jong
people believe the unbelievable is no trick; it’s work. … Belief and reader
absorption come in the details: An overturned tricycle in the gutter of an
abandoned neighborhood can stand for everything. Or a broken billboard. Or
weeds growing in the cracks of a library’s steps. Of course, none of this means
a lot without characters the reader cares about (and sometimes characters—‘bad
guys’—the reader is rooting against).”---Stephen King
“The writer must have a good imagination to begin
with, but the imagination has to be muscular, which means it must be exercised
in a disciplined way, day in and day out, by writing, failing, succeeding and
revising.”---Stephen King
What's the best thing
about being a writer?
The best thing about being a writer, besides
having the ability to entertain people with stories, is that I can tell any
story I want my way. I get to decide what is going to happen and how it will
end. When I write my stories I do it knowing that nobody can tell me that it
isn’t right or accurate because it is my story.
Where can people find
out more about you and your writing?
People can find out about me or my books by
either going to my webpage at atking77.weebly.com (the links to my social media
pages can be found on here) or following me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/atking33.
Does your family support
you in your writing career? How?
My wife isn’t the most vocal person, but she does support me in her own
quiet manner by allowing me the opportunity to continue to write and encourages
me to get a better education to become greater at my craft. It isn’t just her,
but my entire family supports me in my writing by allowing me the chance to
pursue this dream of mine. They will share my news with their friends and let
them know where my books can be purchased. They also show up at any event I
have ready to support me and always offer words of encouragement.
AT King
author interviews
book marketing
Highway 187
interview feature
interview with author
Jo Linsdell
quotes for writers
writers and authors
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