As a writer, our number one
mission is to get the word on the page, to tell a story and get readers. I’m
not here to explain how to become a good writer or to tell a compelling
narrative. There are plenty of resources out there to help you get a foot in
the door, but I take such different roads that I’m not even sure I’d be a good
resource in that regard.
There are many things that you can do to get words on the page, to
drive yourself forward, but the number one thing for me is to know what targets
I need to hit. I focus on word count rather than pages.
Pages can lie.
A little fun fact (one which might still be alive and true): a lot of
people used 250 words x page count = total word count. This came from a simple
belief that you could fit twenty-five lines per page, ten words per line using
Courier New font. This doesn’t account for good writing practices, like white
space, or eventualities like chapters ending two lines into a page. However,
even within the past few years, I’ve heard contest heads say that if a short
story goes past a certain number of pages, they throw it away because it has
broken the guidelines by being too long. It’s by no means a standard, but it’s
an older school thought process.
All this to say: it’s more important to get the words out than to
worry about the page. For me, I set a standard word goal for the week (say
10,000 words), then do my damndest to break it. Then, if I do so, I push myself
a little harder the next week (say 12,500 or even 15,000). The quickest I’ve
ever finished a novel was in 16 days using this method. It may not have been
the cleanest or the best manuscript, but the words were on the page and they
can always be edited in post.
There are two tools that I’d recommend to help you focus on word
count, as well as hit your goals. The first would be a program called Write or Die. The idea here is that you set a
word count target or time limit (or both) and, if you stop writing, it will
remind you, chastise you, or penalize you for stopping until you hit your goal.
Personally, I set it to fifteen minutes with an eleven second “grace period”
before it starts deleting my words. Which means that I have to write or I lose all my progress. For those of you that
aren’t as masochistic as me, you can also set it to play an annoying sound or
to throw a popup on your screen that gently reminds you to write. I’ve never
really tried these, instead I opted to just be thrown against the wall and beaten
if I didn’t write. To each their own. Just for reference, I tend to write about
750 words every fifteen minutes using this tool (with five minutes breaks in
The other tool I’d recommend would be a spreadsheet tracker. These
are great for setting specific word counts, within a reasonable time frame.
Let’s say you want to spend three months writing your next novel (something
that Stephen King does – otherwise he throws out the manuscript because it
“isn’t working.”), you could use a Wordcount Tracker to know exactly how many
words a day you need to write to finish on time. I personally use Abby Annis’s trackers, though I
haven’t been able to dig into the year-long versions yet.
Focus on word count, make it a goal and let the story flow from
there. The thing I’ve found focusing on the words rather than the pages is that
I tell the story that comes naturally to me rather than fretting about each
decision. It allows my characters to breathe and do what they need to
accomplish instead of me mucking about with their lives. Of course, letting
your characters run your story for you is an entirely different issue.
D. Herd is a Fantasy Noir author, who has been writing novels for ten years. He
absolutely loves dark, twisted stories that take readers into unexpected
places. Horror movies are his passion and he often takes stories to task for
not logically thinking out their concepts. His home has been invaded by three
eccentric cats, one of which is obssesed with all things digital. He is married
with two children.
advice for authors
advice for writers
goddess fish
Justin D. Herd
Of Gods and Madness
writers and authors
writing advice
Thanks for hosting me!
ReplyDeleteI know there's a bit of madness in my method, but if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask!
Thanks for hosting!
ReplyDeleteGreat post, lots of great tips! Thanks for sharing your knowledge :)
ReplyDeleteI liked the post.
ReplyDeleteI have enjoyed learning about the book. Thanks for sharing it.
ReplyDeleteGreat post~that's quite impressive to finish a novel in 16 days!
ReplyDeleteWhat advice do you have for someone who would like to become a published writer?
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