Promote Your Book as You Write

Promote Your Book as You Write, guest post by Nina Amir
Writers tend to balk at promoting themselves and their books. They only want to do one thing: write.

Maybe you believe this:

Writers write. That’s what we do. That’s what we are good at.

We don’t do promotion. It’s not our job (or so we believe). It’s not what we are good at.

If you do, here’s the rub. If you don’t promote yourself and your book, you:

  1. Don’t get book publishing contracts.
  2. Don’t sell many self-published or traditionally published books.
  3. Don’t succeed as an author.

That leaves you with a few options. If you are stubborn, you can maintain your position: I don’t do promotion. I’m a writer. Period.

Or you can change your attitude, and say: I’m willing to take on the role of book promoter. I will learn this and do it because it is part of what authors today must do. I want to succeed!

But there is one other option. You can decide to write and promote your book at the same time—simply through the act of writing…well…blogging.

But blogging is writing.

What to Blog About

A blog involves a different type of writing, but it’s writing! You simply need to commit to publishing a short blog post—300-500 words—a few times—2 to 5—a week. That’s not so bad, right? You can do that; you’re a writer.

And there are so many things about which you can write or blog. I came up with 20 things aspiring and published authors could blog about. Book marketing expert John Kremer came up with 101.

To promote your published book or forthcoming book:
·        Determine the subjects and themes about which you write.
·        Brainstorm a list of possible topics based on these book subjects and themes.
·        Blog about those themes and topics regularly and consistently.

Or pick the topic of your published or forthcoming books, and stick to it. Blog about it day in and day out. In the process, you’ll become an authority, which will help you land book contracts and writing assignments.

The more often and regularly you write about the topic of your forthcoming book or your published book, the more you promote that book. It’s that simple.

However, be sure you share those blog posts on your social networks. That’s part of the promotion process as well—and not too difficult or time-consuming.

The Blog as an Author Website and Branding Tool

If you are still having trouble wrapping your busy writing fingers around this concept, consider this: Do you write morning pages? Keep a journal? Spend time emailing friends? Blogs began as online journals. Take on blogging as an author website where you can brand yourself by revealing the many aspects of who you are as a writer. Connect with potential readers, let them know more about you through your posts, and show off your awesome writing talent for potential book, newspaper and magazine publishers. (And, of course, feature your published works.)

Simply start your daily writing period with 30 to 45 minutes of blog-post writing. Compose a short post about a topic related to your book or your writing process—something that pertains to becoming a published author. Add your photos and videos easily created on your iPhone or other Android phone, or created on

Have fun with your blog. Make it a creative statement. Allow potential readers to get to know you and to connect with you emotionally.

The Blog as a Writing Machine

If blogging still seems like a superfluous activity, employ a down-and-dirty a tactic. Use your blog as a way to write a book. Blogging a book is the quickest and easiest way to write your book and promote it at the same time. You’ll hardly know you are promoting your work at all!

When you blog a book, you write it intentionally on your blog. (You don’t later try to repurpose your posts into a book.) Plan out your book in post-sized bits. Then publish the first draft of your book in those small posts (300-700 words) regularly and consistently on your blog. (Create a manuscript in your favorite word-processing program at the same time; copy and paste into your blog.)

Blogging a book allows you to garner a loyal following of readers—fans—for your book as you write it. This fan-base is called an author platform. It represents the foundation for your book promotion.

Your fans will purchase the finished product: your book. They also will help promote your blog and the book when it is published. Plus, if your blog becomes popular, you might land a publishing deal in the process. You can always successfully self-publish once you have a platform, though, if you don’t get discovered or you don’t want to pursue traditional publishing.

So, become a blogger…not just a writer. Become a book promoter. Write. And blog. In the process promote yourself and your work by doing what you do best.

Promote Your Book as You Write, guest post by Nina Amir
Nina Amir, the Inspiration to Creation Coach, is the bestselling author of How to Blog a Book and The Author Training Manual. A speaker, blogger, and author, book, blog-to-book, and high-performance coach, she helps people combine their passion and purpose so they move from idea to inspired action and positively and meaningfully impact the world as writers, bloggers, authorpreneurs, and blogpreneurs. Some of Nina’s clients have sold 300,000+ copies of their books, landed deals with major publishing houses and created thriving businesses around their books. She is the founder of National Nonfiction Writing Month, National Book Blogging Month, and the Nonfiction Writers’ University. As a hybrid author, she has published 15 books and had as many as four books on an Amazon Top 100 list at the same time.
To find out more about Nina and get a free goal-achievement e-book, visit Receive a set of free blog-plan templates when you visit or a free guide to writing a nonfiction book at
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  1. Thanks so much for hosting me on your blog! I hope your readers decide to blog some books!


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