Interview with May Woodworth

Interview with May Woodworth
Tell us about your latest book.
Sticky Girls-Why Women Stay In Bad Relationships is a non-fiction which encourages everyone to look at the real issue of dependency in dysfunctional relationships, which can lead to abuse and spiralling self-esteem. It is not to be confused with couples who choose traditional gender roles with no abuse or coercion. It is presented in a non-judgemental manner, as to offer explanations to why women stay in bad relationships, and to encourage those women to take responsibility for past relationships in order to make better decisions in future choices.

What's the best thing about being a writer?
Everything. It suits my lifestyle perfectly. I can finally be the introvert I have always longed to be. After growing up in a huge family, living in busy places, working outside the home since the age of 15,(in busy workplaces) I revel in my new quieter life. I am enjoying the slower pace. While writing fiction I can just think about me, explore the dark corners and bright oasis inside of myself. I balance that self-indulgency by writing non-fiction. Enjoyable in a different way, yet it feeds my need to help others,

Why do you think readers are going to enjoy your book?
I’m not sure they will. I mean, they may like the idea of reading it, and even like how it’s written, but the subject matter may make them uncomfortable. Some women may see themselves in Sticky Girls-Why Women Stay In Bad Relationships, and not in a good light. The book seems to touch that hot button Sticky Girls have, the one that keeps a side of them hidden. I don’t want readers to necessarily enjoy the book, I want them to awaken to the reality that there are parts of themselves they may want to work on, and that it is okay to face those hidden shadows within us.

How long did it take you to write your book?
Hands on, literary, massive amounts of library books, hard research took approximately six months, but real life research has been happening my entire life. I was/ am a Sticky Girl. I helped a multitude of Sticky Girls. Each and every year of my life brought new lessons. So I guess you could say that it took forty years to get it on paper.

Did you learn anything from writing your book that was unexpected?
I learned that it was not a stand-alone book, that there were at least two more books in this series. Unsticking from toxic partners, exploring methods to change our outlook, and adopting new behaviors cannot, for me, be covered in one book. The entire unsticking process spans over time. Each book in the series will hold the hand of women on that journey.

Where can a reader purchase your book?
I am all over the internet, literally. I’m very involved in social media. Come find me J My books can be found at, Arrow Publications LLC, OmniLit, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBooks, Big World Network, and almost everywhere books are sold.
What are you doing to market the book? 

Who inspires you?
Every strong woman I have ever met has inspired me. Many times throughout my own life, despite outward appearances, I felt powerless and weak. I looked to them for courage. I told myself, if they could do it, so could I.

Interview with May Woodworth
What is your work in progress? Tell us about it.
I am wrapping up the edits for the second season of Cardinal Directions (YA, adventure, sci-fi), for Big World Network, which is aired weekly in audio and written format. Cardinal Directions is a five author collaboration created by Michael Young. I am also finishing a romance novel, as well as researching material for Sticky Girls 2. I cannot wait to dive in SG2 because then I can really let my researcher book nerd come out to play.

What are your thoughts on self-publishing verses traditional publishing?
I have not been happy with the social media debates about the two methods of publishing. I have seen self-pub authors outright discredit traditional authors, and accuse them of selling out.  I have also seen traditional authors comment that self-pub authors are not real authors. Who is right? Neither. Writing is writing. The end product are books we are proud to have our name on, and that readers enjoy. However we get there is up to each individual author.

When you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?
Exploring outside, fussing in the garden or with the animals, or inside baking. I currently live in New England, so there are a ton of natural areas to get lost in, while still being near cities filled with history, culture and ethnic foods. The winters have been dragging me down (too much baking, not enough walking!), so I hope to someday divide my time between here and a warmer climate. 


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