genre do you write and why?
I write short stories. I
submitted a short story a while back for a literary magazine and discovered I
really liked working in this format. My stories are dark fiction with an
element of wit. They are very surreal
and visual. There are also 22 illustrations that go with the stories (I am also
an artist).
Tell us about your
latest book.
first published book is a collection of 22 short stories about misfortune
characterized by unexpected final twists at the end of each tale. "With
'Flight of Destiny', I want the reader to squirm at the behavior of some
undeniably despicable characters, be charmed by their wit under duress, and be
totally drawn into the harrowing world of the oppressed, all while savoring
these dark, surrealist stories," l. "'Into this anthology, I have
injected my vast accumulation of angst and blended in my warped sense of
What marketing methods
are you using to promote your book?
I spend every spare moment on the social media,
I am always looking for new outlets to spread my book as far and wide as I can.
I try to put “Flight of Destiny” and Author Francis H Powell everywhere. I
guess it is what writers need to do in this day and age.
What formats is the
book available in?
It’s a soft back.
Who are your favourite
Rupert Thomson and Roald Dahl, who influenced
my style of writing, with twists at the end of each story.
What advice do you
have for other writers?
Stick at it, don’t fall on the wayside.
What's your favourite
quote about writing/for writers?
books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame.”
(Oscar Wilde)
What's the best thing
about being a writer?
Seeing a story progress, developing characters,
storylines. Inventing devious sick characters. Thinking about ways of altering
people’s perceptions of the world.
Where can people find
out more about you and your writing?
I suppose
visit my website. http://theflightofdestiny.yolasite.com/There are other interviews and some
introductions to some of my short stories. I update my facebook page every day.
There is a character in my
book called Bugeyes. As you can imagine from his name, he has excessively large
eyes (due to a genetic family fault).He is mocked cruelly and is rejected by
his family from birth. There are other characters in my short stories like
Bugeyes, I am heralding the underdogs, the oddballs, the outsiders of this
do you think readers are going to enjoy your book?
Hopefully they will be
gripped by the stories and want to get to the end of each story to find out how
they conclude. I try to include a dramatic twist. I think there is quite a
diversity in my stories, they are set in different time periods/different
settings. Hopefully readers will relate to my wit and humour and diversity and
richness of vocabulary and the descriptiveness of the stories.
How long did it take
you to write your book?
Quite a number of years to write the stories
and then three years to edit and polish. It has been a long journey to arrive
thus far!
Who designed
the cover?
I did. Again it took a lot of work, as
well as help from my wife.
Did you learn
anything from writing your book that was unexpected?
Maybe not directly but I think my book
is an out-pouring of a lot of my angst. Writing can be a very cathartic
can a reader purchase your book?
Amazon Canada :
On Amazon UK : http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0988664097
Amazon France :
Amazon Germany :
Amazon Italy : http://www.amazon.it/dp/0988664097
On Amazon Spain : http://www.amazon.es/dp/0988664097
On Amazon India :
Amazon Japan :
What are you
doing to market the book?
Everything I can, checking out any site
I can put my book on.
Who inspires
For me many different creative people
from different epochs. I think Leonardo
De Vinci, was an incredible person, almost well out of the era he was born
into. Picasso was so prolific, Mozart blessed with a wondrous gift. I am really
moved by the music of Phillip Glass.
People who stand up to adversity with
great courage are very admirable, especially those who use non-violence to
achieve their aims (Martin Luther King for example). People who don’t follow the “herd” who are
not afraid to be judged in a detrimental way, whatever the cost.
How do you
research your books?
Sometimes I might go to websites to
find out information.
What is your
work in progress? Tell us about it.
At present my life revolves around
promoting my present book. I hope in the future I will be able to have a follow
up of short stories, in a similar vain.
What are your
thoughts on self-publishing verses traditional publishing?
It a good thing that technology has
opened things out for more people, who perhaps might have the opportunity to
get their work to a broader public. However there is something magical about a
book that you can hold.
Who or what inspired
you to become a writer?
I met the author Rupert Thomson, when I was a
young student, he was writing his first book “Dreams of leaving” at the time.
For a long time I had it in the back of my mind to do some writing. I had a
“false start” while living in a remote village in Austria ,
then later once installed in Paris ,
I began to write short stories and got some published in a magazine called “Rat
Mort” (translation “Dead Rat”). Later I started writing stories as well as
poetry and had quite a lot published on various internet sites.
Does your
family support you in your writing career? How?
Not directly. I live in France and see
my family intermittently. I am fearful they might be rather shocked by the
subject matter of my stories.
What are you
currently reading?
My time is eaten up at the moment. I have had
to read a lot of university exam papers on British and American culture, which
I teach.
What books or
authors have most influenced your life?
As stated before Rupert Thomson and
Roald Dahl are both influential in terms of writing, but no book or authors
have directly influenced my life.
you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?
When I have the chance I like
to do many different things. I paint and make sculptures. I make music
(electronic music) and make videos.
advice for authors
advice for writers
author interviews
Flight of Destiny
Francis H Powell
interview feature
Jo Linsdell
short stories
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