What Readers Really Think About Reviews, Publishers, and More...

What Readers Really Think About Reviews, Publishers, and More...

Whilst I was checking in on Goodreads earlier today I dropped by the Poll section. They had some pretty good questions for readers. I think you'll agree that these results give good food for thought.

How many reviews do you typically look at before you read a book?

What Readers Really Think About Reviews, Publishers, and More...

As you can see, the majority of those who answered (55069) said that they looked at 1-3 reviews before reading a book. This highlights the importance of having at least a few reviews on your book pages but also shows that you don't need hundreds to convince readers. 

There are also reviews and reviews. A review that gives insight into what the reader thought about the book including pro's and con's is of much more value than one that simply says the reader enjoyed the book.

When discovering a not-yet-published book that you're excited about, you...

What Readers Really Think About Reviews, Publishers, and More...
As most of you know by now, Amazon rolled out a pre-order feature earlier this year which levelled the playing field that little bit more between traditionally published and self/indie published books. As you can see from these results the majority of readers said they would shelf and wait for publication. Pre-orders were second place though. Something to think about.

Do you judge a book by its publisher?

What Readers Really Think About Reviews, Publishers, and More...

I was personally very happy to see these results. The publisher really shouldn't matter. What should matter is having a quality book. Glad to see that others feel the same way. 

How do you let the world know when you find a book you love?

What Readers Really Think About Reviews, Publishers, and More...

In person and social media are the clear winners here. It is nice to see that some people will still give books a shout out on their websites, blogs, and newsletter too though. 

What convinces you to add a book as Want to Read?

What Readers Really Think About Reviews, Publishers, and More...
Descriptions matter. Make sure yours pulls in potential readers. 

Do you use Goodreads? Do you take part in their polls? Did any of the above results surprise you?


  1. Very interesting results. I tend to rely on a few reviews by those bloggers whose tastes are likely to mesh at least a little with mine, and whose opinion I trust (i.e. they will be honest about whether they liked a book or not and why). I do admit that if the description is enticing enough and the reviewers are torn about it, I also look at the publisher, because I know that some publishers are more likely to try experimental, edgy stuff rather than the mainstream. So I have more of an idea what I am letting myself in for.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to comment Marina.

      When a see certain reviewers I know I can trust their opinion. Knowing the review is an honest one gives it more weight. A 3 or 4 star that gives a "why" is much more helpful than a 5 star "It was good".

      Good point about Publishers. I never really check to see who published the book. I do look at the cover though. If the description is enticing but feedback is mixed, I will look at the cover. If it looks professional it gains points. If it looks unprofessional it's a turn off. The quality of the finished product counts. That said, I know that some publishers always put out good quality books and so should I see their name on it, it can be a deal closer.


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