Interview with Joy Frawley

Tell us about your latest book.

Two Worlds Two Men is a time travel romance that takes place in Scotland. My heroine, Jocelyn, travels between present day Edinburgh and the medieval Highlands on a search to learn about her past in order to find her place in the present. The story takes the reader on a journey filled with superstition and folklore as they follow Jocelyn’s footsteps between the handsome rugby player, Neely, and the medieval clansman, Colin. Both men have much to offer, but their worlds are very different and Jocelyn must choose which man she wants to remain with. In addition, she must face the painful past that was long ago forgotten and by doing so she could lose her very life.

What marketing methods are you using to promote your book? 

I have done two virtual blog tours, both of which I highly recommend to any author because it has really allowed me to make contact with romance readers. I also have an active author page on Good Reads and Amazon in addition to my blog, I’ve also made appearances on a couple radio talk shows and posted a few general advertisements in newspapers during peak seasons like Christmas. Twitter is an amazing social network to participate in and I really enjoy promoting not only my book, but so many other talented authors on it.

What advice do you have for other writers?

My advice to aspiring authors is to believe in themselves and press on regardless of any outward appearance. By demonstrating perseverance you will set yourself apart from the competition because the unfortunate truth is many people give up when they hit an obstacle. Don’t allow that to happen to you.

What's your favourite quote about writing/for writers?

If you only knew who walked beside you at all times you would never again experience fear or doubt.” ~Wayne Dyer Quote

Who is you favorite character in your book and why?

This question is difficult to answer because I love all my characters so much! Still, I would probably say Neely is my favorite character because his dynamic charm, humor and confidence are very sexy and I adore these attributes in men. Neely is the present day love interest in this time travel romance and the candid flirting between him and Jocelyn makes me laugh every time I read it because they both reflect how great a team men and women can be if we meet the right person.

Why do you think readers are going to enjoy your book?

I believe readers enjoy Two Worlds Two Men because it offers a great mix of romance, history and adventure. Plus, the characters mingle together in a great blend of humor, sexiness and realism that I hope readers embrace.

Did you learn anything from writing your book that was unexpected?

I was surprised how attached I became to the characters I wrote about! It was not something I would have predicted.

Who inspires you?

The people who inspire me are the ones who are fearless in their pursuit of happiness.

What are your thoughts on self-publishing verses traditional publishing?

Two Worlds Two Men is my first published work and it was released by a traditional publisher. Still, I am quite impressed at the social media and options a self-published author has available to take total control of their work. I am debating which route I want to go on my own nonfiction book right now! For me, marketing is the key factor and nowadays most the promotion falls almost entirely on authors which makes it apparent why self-publishing is so popular.

When you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?

I am a major outdoor lover and travel hound so anything related to either of those things are on my A-list.


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  1. Thank you for having me today.

  2. I love time travel, and the addition of romance is great.

    1. I'm glad you liked what you read about my book, Kelsey. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I loved the interview! Thank you!

    1. I thoroughly enjoyed doing the interview as it was great fun. I'm pleased you enjoyed it, Betty. Thank you for your comment!

  4. I love Scotland and I love time travel stories. This one sounds exceptional.

    1. Thank you for your comments. I'm glad you enjoy the excerpt!

  5. The intriguing excerpt and beautiful cover are my favorite part of the post.

    1. Glad you liked the excerpt, Mai. I am very happy with the cover too. It was mysterious yet still sexy!

  6. I enjoyed reading the author interview

  7. I really liked reading the author interview! Thank you for the post and the giveaway!


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