A brand new year ahead, full of possibilities... bliss! This time of year, if you're anything like me, you're busy working on your goal lists for the year ahead and working out a plan of action to make this your most awesome writing year to date. With so many ideas and projects to work on you may find yourself looking back over your list and having some doubts about whether you can actually do it all.
I'm ambitious. I set big goals, and lots of them. I like to dream big, and hate limitations of any kind. This means I have a very large to do list for the year ahead. (You can check out my list here). So how do I plan on getting it all done? Being organised is the first step.
4 Organising Tips for a Productive Writing Year
Here's a few tips that help keep me on track, and more importantly ticking those tasks off my to do list.
1) Have a list. I actually have several lists. One for my year ahead with my bigger goals on it and then smaller ones for each month/week/day. This really helps as it keeps my focus on what needs to be done.
2) Know your deadlines. Having a fixed date to finish something by is a great motivation for getting it done.
3) Prioritize. This follows on from point 2. What needs to be done first? This helps you know what you need to be working on, and in what order.
4) Block out distractions. How many of you log on to your computer and hop on to Facebook for "a quick check in" and then realise 3 hours have gone by? I bet a lot of you nodded as you read that. Social media is great, but it can eat away at your time very easily. If you need to get an article or a chapter written, do that and then check on your social media pages. You'll be amazed at how much more you get done.
How do you stay on target? Got some good organising tips to share? Keep the conversation going it the comments section below.
advice for authors
advice for writers
Jo Linsdell
new year goals
organising tips
tips for writers
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