Interview with Megan Cyrulewski

Tell us about your latest book.

Who Am I? is about my journey into post-partum depression, anxiety disorder, panic attacks, visits to the psych ward, divorce, domestic violence, law school, and my struggle to survive with my sanity intact—and how a beautiful little girl emerged from all this chaos.

What marketing methods are you using to promote your book? 

I created my own website and blog.  I also use Facebook and Twitter.  But mainly, I get to know other authors by either “liking” their FB pages or joining FB groups.

Who are your favourite authors?

John Grisham, J.K. Rowling (Harry Potter series), Jodi Piccoult and Nora Roberts are just a few.

What's your favourite quote about writing/for writers?

“The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who'll get me a book I ain't read.”  -Abraham Lincoln

What's the best thing about being a writer?

I love to give people that “ah” moment when they realize the plot twist.  I want them to shake their heads and have to read a part over because they didn’t see that coming.

Who designed the cover?

A wonderful friend from high school, Ksen Savic, took the picture.  She’s a brilliant photographer. 

How do you research your books?

Right now, I’m working on a crime fiction book and all of my research actually comes from Law School.  I have to use that degree somehow, right?

What are your thoughts on self-publishing verses traditional publishing?

I think that self-publishing is going to overtake traditional publishing in maybe 5-10 years.  I think it’s a great avenue for those authors who love to write.  It doesn’t pay the big bucks, but most authors who self-publish don’t do it for the money.  There are times when I read self-published book and get really mad that the author got rejection letters!  There are a lot of wonderful untapped talent in the self-publishing world and I think literary agents and publishers are missing out!

What are you currently reading?

I’m reading about The Vanderbilt family and their fall from grace.  At one point, they were the richest family in America with a net worth of $100 million!  Fifty years later, they’re almost bankrupt.  It’s crazy!

When you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?

I’m a part-time personal playground for my 4-year-old daughter.  I keep trying to tell her she’s getting too big to climb all over me, but she doesn’t seem to want to listen.  When is the age when kids start listening to parents??


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  1. My comment did not show up, so if this is a second one, I apologize. I could have used this book 19 years ago. I think you are one brave and amazing woman for writing this book. Thank you so much!

  2. Thank you so much for the interview. And thank you Kimberely for your comment. I'm glad you had the strength to overcome your struggles 19 years ago and I bet you are a stronger woman for it!

  3. Very informative interview!

    Trix, vitajex(at)Aol(Dot)com

  4. It took a lot to write about the things that were so difficult for you. I admire you.

  5. Great interview and thanks for the giveaway. ;)

  6. I liked the interview

  7. Good interview! I'm sure your book will be comforting to others going through similar situations.

  8. Thank you everyone for your wonderful and encouraging comments. :)

  9. i loved the interview!

  10. I liked the Interview!



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