I write these words, there are dozens of over-caffeinated monkeys in my brain,
jumping around and throwing banana peels and howling for my attention. One monkey wants me to check my email and
update my Facebook status. Another monkey demands that I respond to a text
message from my boss (also known as My Wife.)
Still another monkey insists that I go to Subway and get a sandwich
because the noises in my stomach are getting too loud, and the poor monkey
cannot hear himself howl at a very lovely lady monkey.
monkeys, of course, are metaphors for my thoughts, which are constantly
racing. Perhaps you suffer from this
problem as well. Call it
over-stimulation. And perhaps you, like
me, enjoy high-speed Internet and iPhones, but you also have a book to write,
and you can’t quite seem to quiet your mind long enough to focus.
so, I’d like to help. I’d like to give you a few tips on how to round up those
restless monkeys, so you may then be better able to pen a coherent, yet
entertaining story. With memorable characters. And a page-turning plot. Maybe a nice “hook” somewhere thrown into the
mix that’ll make this unwritten book pure Hollywood
I digress.
#1: no cell phones or Internet during writing sessions. I know, you have a stressful
job that requires you to stay in constant contact. Or you have kids and
emergencies happen all the time (remember the Pumpkin Incident of ’09? Enough
said). No, no, I get it. I have a toddler at home myself, but the thing about
the Internet and iPhones is this: they allow for not instant gratification, but
constant gratification. You tap a
button on your cell phone, and you get a little surge of happy endorphins
because someone has posted a cute baby pic on Instagram. You double-click the
Internet Explorer tab, and what pops up, but a headline: your favorite actress
is getting a divorce! Another little surge of happy chemicals. Those activities,
while certainly amusing, can be detrimental to your writing project. Writing
requires patience and concentration, discipline and determination. Writing a
book requires us to delay gratification. So,
please, turn off the cell phones, leave them in another room when you sit down
to write your masterpiece. Might help to remove the Wifi capability from the
computer you write on as well. I did and
I get a whole bunch more work done than I used to. And in a shorter amount of time.
#2: go dark on social media while finishing a writing project. Whoa! I could
almost hear the expletives hurled in my direction for that suggestion. But I
stand by the statement. Don’t get me wrong. Facebook and Twitter are fantastic
marketing tools as well as excellent places to learn, discover, and become a
part of the larger writing community. When
I’m not writing, I use and enjoy them. However, it is quite easy to fall down
the social media rabbit hole and before you know it, you’ve eaten up all of
your allotted writing time for the day. And then a few days. And then a week. .
. Look, I’m not hurling stones while living in the glass house, okay? When I
was younger, I spent way too much time acting like a writer and not nearly
enough time writing. Now that I’m older (and no longer feel obliged to wear
tweed jackets with elbow patches), I know that writers write. Every day. And in
my book, hashtags and comment threads don’t count.
#3: handwrite letters once a day. I know, it sounds weird, but what writing by
hand forces you to do is slow down. Your hand can’t write nearly as fast as you
type, and this slower method of communication allows for reflection. Bonus, it
engages a completely different area of your brain than typing on a computer
does. And why letters, you ask. Simple. They’re personal, intimate. They
establish an immediate connection between writer and reader, which is exactly
what novels do. The good ones anyway. My
suggestion? Write letters to your kid(s). Me, I write letters to my sixteen
month old Harry Huck. Give him advice. Tell him anecdotes about my misspent
youth, and why I, his very flawed but loving father, would really, really
appreciate it if he learned from my idiotic mistakes.
those are just a few of the ways that I try to tame the monkeys in my head. Now
I’ll leave you with one more bit of advice: when you sit down to write, have bananas
on hand.
Max Everhart has a master’s degree in creative writing from the University of Alabama, Birmingham. His short stories have been published in CutBank, Elysian Fields Quarterly, Slow Trains Journal, and juked. His short story, “The Man Who Wore No Pants,” was selected by Michael Knight for Best of the Net 2010 and was nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Dzanc Books’ Best of the Web Anthology. Currently, he teaches English and Creative Writing at Northeastern Technical College and Coker College. Go Go Gato is his first novel.
Catch Up With the Author:
advice for authors
advice for writers
Go Go Gato
Max Everhart
partners in crime tours
writers and authors
writing a book
Some great tips here! Thanks for sharing your experience with us (and looking forward to reading your book!).
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