or what inspired you to become a writer?
Thinking about that
question, I don’t think any one person inspired me to become a writer; though
my mother saw that yearning in me and fostered it by giving me my very first
diary at the age of 11. When I was in high school, I got a job as a page at
Cleveland Public library. While I was working there, I also worked in the
school library. So it seemed that libraries and books were destined (for lack
of a better word) to be a permanent feature in my life. That was perfect for
someone like me, who loved reading and writing. Although I enjoyed writing, I
never thought of myself as having any sort of writing ability, until one day I
showed my sister a poem I’d written. She loved it! I was flattered. She showed
it to some of her co-workers and they loved it. Then the same thing happened
all over again, when I showed her a short story I’d written.
I was exposed to so many
books, working at the library; it’s a veritable playground for a bibliophile
with a voracious appetite for reading. I discovered writers such as Eric Jerome
Dickey, Omar Tyree, E. Lynn Harris, Terry Macmillan, Carl Weber, Iceberg Slim,
Donald Goines, J. California Cooper, Diane McKinney-Whetstone, BeBe Moore Campbell.
I could go on and on. I would devour book after book. I had never read books
like this before, certainly not at school. Some of these authors were pioneers
in their genre. For example, Iceberg Slim and Donald Goines; they are the true
fathers of Street/Gangsta lit. Then you had authors like Dickey, Tyree,
Macmillan, and Weber bust onto the scene with Urban lit. In my opinion, no one
can make words sing like Diane Mckinney -Whetstone
does, writing Literary fiction. BeBe Moore Campbell, J. California Cooper, and
E. Lynn Harris, with their Contemporary fiction, floored me when I first read
them. I especially loved J. California Cooper’s colloquial style of writing.
She makes you feel like it’s just you and she in the room, while she spins a
yarn that so easily entangles you. Even if you could get free, you wouldn’t
want to; that’s just how caught up you can get in her writing.
So, all of that is part of
what inspired me to become a writer. Well, that and the narcissistic desire to
see my name in the byline! J
genre do you write and why?
If I had to
pigeonhole myself into a genre, I’d say that I write Contemporary fiction. Some
have classified my writing as Chick lit, Women’s fiction, Inspirational
fiction, Christian fiction, and Urban fiction. I’m comfortable with all those
classifications, except Urban. By today’s definition, my writing in no way,
shape, or form fits into that genre. Most people, when they hear the label
Urban fiction, think drugs, street life, gangsters, pimps, prostitutes, and so
on; which, in my opinion, is a total misapplication of the genre.
What's the best thing
about being a writer?
For me, the best
thing about being a writer is that I get to be the boss! Well, that’s not
totally true. I know this may sound weird to someone who’s not a writer, but
sometimes we writers are just the vehicle that our characters use to bring
their stories out into the world. There are times that I have a scene all
worked out in my head, from beginning to end, then lo and behold, my character
will fight me tooth and nail until I concede to his or her wishes.
True story. I
was writing a scene in my latest book, No More Expectations, where the main
character, Brianya, was supposed to choose a certain character as her love interest.
But no matter what I did, she just would not cooperate! So, I let her choose;
and last I heard, they’re quite happy. There was another instance, when I was
writing the short story, Caught (it’s a story in my first book, titled
Transitions: short stories for a rainy day), and the female protagonist was
supposed to realize the error of her ways and concede to Lonnie’s wishes, but
she wasn’t having it. I won’t say who won that struggle, but according to the
readers, I made the right choice.
is you favorite character in your book and why?
In the short story book,
Transitions: short stories for a rainy day, I’d have to say my favorite
character is Rita Collier. Rita is a so-called Born again Christian. Having
been raised in the church, as an adult she chose a not-so-holy lifestyle. After
years of living a debauched life, Rita’s mom talks her into going to church
with her. Listening to the sermon, she decides it’s time to straighten up her
life and walk the straight and narrow. She remakes herself, even changing the
way she speaks. However, instead of becoming tolerant of people who are like
she once was, she becomes judgmental and critical. Yet, she believes that God’s
will for her is to help save lost souls. When she gets this hot, steamy
misdirected email, she’s faced with the monumental decision: answer it or
ignore it. I like Rita, because she represents that subset of Christians who
have a desire to help people but they just don’t get it.
I actually have two favorite
characters from my novel, No More Expectations. One is Endo Jamison. Endo is
the older man who pursues Brianya. He seems nerdy; however, he turns out to be
anything but . . . as Brianya soon finds out. The other favorite is Brianya’s
best friend, Dreama. Dreama is one of those no-nonsense straight shooters. She
tells you what you need to hear, not what’ll make you feel better. Brianya has
a tendency to coddle herself so she and Dreama are the perfect duo. Dreama goes
through a bit of a rough patch and we get to see the softer side of her, which
will touch the reader’s heart.
do you think readers are going to enjoy your book?
I think readers will enjoy No
More Expectations because Brianya really represents every woman. She’s just
lost over 200 pounds ;
and she’s struggling to keep the weight off, which, by the way, is the hardest
part of weight loss. She learned that she’s an emotional eater (upwards of 90
percent of the population eat in response to an emotional trigger). She’s
confronted with one issue after another and she’s fighting to keep from
responding in her usual manner. She’s also a little bit naïve, when it comes to
Readers will enjoy
Transitions: short stories for a rainy day, because the book is designed for
people who don’t want to invest a lot of time in reading, but they still want
the satisfaction of knowing that when they close the book, they’ve completed a
story. Also, the stories are about real life situations that people find
themselves in and their resolve in handling those situations. The stories run
the gamut of emotions; you’ll cry, you’ll laugh; you’ll become angry; and you
may even become a little confused. But one thing you won’t become is
disappointed. You meet Arlise, who’s locked away because she’s Three Cards
Short of a Deck. Lonnie unexpectedly stayed too long with one woman and got
Caught. Cashmere , just may have to Think
Again, after her fiancé reveals a startling secret just two weeks before their
wedding. Little four-year-old Shelby is watching
television with her mom, when a news reporter utters a promo that prompts Shelby to ask: “Mommy,
what’s rape?” By the way, Brianya’s story begins in the story Expectations and
it picks up three years later in the novel.
How do you research your books?
I use many
avenues. Mostly, I do a lot of research on the Internet, making sure the sites
I use are reputable. For example, when writing the short story, Three Cards
Short of a Deck, I used the web sites NIMH (National Institutes of Mental
Health), NIH (National Institutes of Health) Mayo Clinic, and MedLine Plus, just
to name a few. When writing No More Expectations, I used the web site HR.com and
personally interviewed several Human Resources professionals. I also got input
from law enforcement professionals, lawyers, and a county civil court judge.
I have a tendency
to go overboard researching. Even the things I know firsthand, I research, just
to make sure I have it right. J
long did it take you to write your book?
I began writing the book of
short stories back in 1998, around the same time that I began writing the
novel. The novel I finished in 1999, but I didn’t complete the short stories
until 2010. Over the years, I would write short stories whenever I’d hear, see,
or experience something interesting. There are a few that I didn’t include in
the collection.
What is your work in progress? Tell us about it.
Currently, I’m working on
book that’s untitled. It’s the story of Cashmere Masters and Lonnie Parker.
Both of these characters are from Transitions, and you catch up again with them
in No More Expectations.
Look for the book to be
available Winter 2014.
can a reader purchase your book?
Readers may
purchase my books from my web site: http://www.twistedwordpublishing.com, where
you’ll also learn more about me. They are also available on any online bookstore.
Smashwords has the book in all eformats, including Kindle, Kobo, Nook, and
more. If you’re in the Cleveland
area, you may find them at Loganberry books, Appletree books, and Fashions by
Fowler, and a few local libraries. If they don’t have them, request that they
order the books. Also, if you’re in the Columbus
area, you may find my books at the Booksuite bookstore.
What advice do you
have for other writers?
The best advice I can give is this: 1) Decide
if you want to self-publish or go the traditional route 2) Research ALL of your
options 3) Write what you’re passionate about 4) Research, research, research
all aspects of your story, even what you think you know and, 5) Invest in a
couple of great editors. But most of all have fun!
author interview
Cathy Jo
interview feature
Jo Linsdell
No More Expectations
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