How to Use Social Media to Close More Deals Without Being a Pushy Salesperson

No one likes a pushy salesperson. Far too many times I've seen authors push their books in ever single post they make. You could almost see people clicking the unlike button, hiding their posts and marking them as spam every time a new post was made.

Whilst social media does give us a powerful tool for marketing our books you won't get very good results if you're just using it to continuously blast your sales pitch. In fact you may find you damage your reputation and actually reduce sales.

So how can you use social media to make sales without spamming your contacts with endless sales pitches? This infographic by Ryan Stewman of Hardcore Closer gives a good break down of how to use social media to close more deals without being a pushy salesperson:

How to Use Social Media to Close More Deals without Being a Pushy Salesperson

How are you using social media to increase your sales? Got a success story to share? Leave a comment below.



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