Ways to increase your video ranking on YouTube

YouTube is the biggest growing video sharing site in the world with over 800 million unique users each month. It's also amongst the top 3 search engines in the world so if you haven't already you should consider starting a video marketing plan.

Ways to increase your video ranking on YouTube:

  • Have a posting schedule. Publishing content on a regular basis will improve your ranking in the site algorithm. Posting content regularly will show positively in search results.
  • Quantity is important. The more you give the better your chances to showing up at the top as more content means more views and better rankings in algorithms.
  • Encourage engagement with your audience. The more audience interaction your video gets e.g. likes and comments, the higher your rank video will rank in search results.
  • Encourage video responses. Having a large number of video responses to your content has a positive effect on your search ranking.
  • Use metadata. By Using keywords in your title and maximising tags by including 12 or more keywords (or the full 120 characters allowed) you can influence how the algorithms index your video.
  • Have a compelling description that includes your keywords. YouTube's search algorithm favours video's that drive traffic to other video's, playlists, channels and subscriptions via linked annotations. So by sharing the link to someone else's content or connecting to another of your own video's will be seen in a positive light. Also include a link to your channel page, links to sites mentioned in the video, social media links etc... and several keywords that best describe your video.
  • Get listed. Having your video's listed in playlists improves your contents ranking in the algorithm.
  • Timing matters.  Respond to comments as soon as possible after the publication of your video as building comments early helps increase your video ranking in search.
Are you using YouTube to market your books and build your online reputation? What kind of content do you post and how often?

Share your channel url in the comments section and let us know a bit about how you're using YouTube.


  1. Good advice, I've been wondering about Youtube and whether it was a logical idea for an author to branch out to video. I don't see many authors having success with it.

    1. As with any other marketing strategy you need to give it time. Success rarely (if ever) happens overnight. It's new territory for authors to a certain extent but there's no reason why they can't be successful with it.

  2. Thanks for the advice! I just started my new blog, and have also started posting videos on Youtube.

    1. That's excellent Jeff. You can always "kill 2 birds with 1 stone" as they say and embed your YouTube video's into your blog posts.

  3. Thanks for this post. I have a book trailer up, but have neglected it as far as marketing goes. I'll pay more attention to it now.

    1. Book trailers are a great start. Try doing some readings from your books, recording yourself answering some of the questions you get frequently asked in interviews, share your thoughts about the publishing industry or give insight into how you come up with ideas for your books. Give some background on your main characters, talk about scenes you edited out... the list is endless. You just need to get creative with it.


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