You’ve written the novel. You’ve put it
through an editor and have gone back and forth on every element of the story.
The cover and interior design done and a launch day set for the book. You feel
complete in knowing your journey is finished.
But is it?
No! It’s not. You want people to read the
book. You want to get it into as many hands as possible and if you leave it up
to fate, it will get lost in the shuffle of the vast goodreads shelves and
online virtual stores.
Marketing is never easy. It is so
uncomfortable for many to talk about themselves and what they’ve accomplished.
But for a writer: you have to do just that. You need to have your pitch all set
on what your book is about so when the cashier at the store is making small
talk, you can give them a quick sentence.
You need to carry bookmarks around that
state where people can get your book – and a couple of choice reviews on those
wouldn’t hurt.
Network. Network. Network. You must be
chatting with others in your world that can share thoughts and ideas. Who
better to understand the burden you carry on having this wonderful (your word)
masterpiece created without an audience to share it with. Authors read. So
share your work with them. Offer to give advice/testimonials/reviews for each
other as you build up your tribe of friends.
Take to social media. It is the wave of the
future, so be sure and be on that wave. Not every author can be reviewed in the
NY Times, but there are plenty of bloggers out there with amazing followers who
listen closely to what someone says. Find them. Friend them. And share your
Get into your local bookstore. And by
local: I mean indie. Not a huge chain. If you are an unknown author, the big
store isn’t going to have you in. But your local one just might do it and share
with them how you plan to get your friends, co-workers, postman into their
store to buy your book. It’s a win-win for you both.
Support others. Too many authors get stuck
in twitter-land simply tweeting over and over “buy my book!” “Look how great I
am!” Well….say those things about other unknown authors you have found. Share
the word about them and in turn, they may do the same for you. Pay-it-forward.
It just makes you feel good in your soul to do that.
And somehow, find time to do some more
writing. It’s a juggling act to write that next novel while you are marketing
one, but one you must refine if you are going to have any type of inventory
past your first book. It can be done…follow other people and watch how they are
accomplishing it. You’d be surprised.
And lastly – give yourself a break. At
times…step away. Enjoy the family. Enjoy ‘live’ people. Enjoy life!
Guest post by Gregory Allen
"A product of the foster care system, Sara Butler spends her early thirties hiding from her past while striving for a normal life with her small group of quirky friends in Arizona. Seeking treatment for an invisible rash and abnormal dreams, her therapist helps her unlock a heinous past that she is unsure she wants to open. To patch her life back together, she realizes she must travel across country to Maine to confront that past in order to plan for a future".
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre - Contemporary Women's Fiction
Rating - PG13
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