Social reading

The internet is home to a growing number of social reading sites where readers can comment on books they've read, suggest books to others and share information about their favourite authors. Groups, book exchanges, chances to win free books... these sites are heaven for book lovers.

These sites all have the common features you'd expect of a social networking platform from friends lists to groups to comments.

Some of the most well known platforms include:


Launched in January 2007, Goodreads is home to over 9,200,000 members who have added more than 330,000,000 books to their shelves. 


Started in 2006, LibraryThing is a community of over 1,500,000 books lovers.


Launched in 2006, Shelfari was acquired by in August 2008. Activity on the site can have a direct effect on the books product page on Amazon.

On-line forums are also popular. To find one all you need to do is a simple search on Google.

These platforms were created for avid readers and as such make them the ideal place for authors to be able to gain reader feedback and connect with their fans.

What social reading sites are you part of? How are you using them?


  1. I've definitely heard of Librarything, but Goodreads is a definite find!

    1. Although I'm a member of all 3 listed here, I'm most active on goodreads. It's very user friendly.


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