Want to Know a Secret? Less Is More!

Bewildered? Confused? Lack of time?
Want to know a secret? Less is more, when it comes to book promotion.

Book promotion can be a real drain, eating into precious writing time and with debatable returns in terms of sales. So what do you do? If you are like me you try harder; perhaps join a new forum or revisit old ones more often. But wiser author's than me advise that the best promotion for existing books is to get the next one out there…so what to do for the best? Write or promote?

It's vital for an author to have visibility on social platforms, but it's all too easy for the tail to wag the dog, in that networking can become all consuming, leaving less and less time for actual writing. The trouble is there are so many opportunities out there. Here are just a few of the sites that I joined:

Facebook (including numerous groups within FB)
World Literary Café
Kindle Boards
Kindle Users Forum.
Coffee Time Romance
The Romance Reviews.
Author's Den.
Free ads on internet classified sites
Not to mention guest blog posts and a ton of Yahoo groups.
The list goes on…and on.

My low point in terms of marketing was one Christmas vacation when I spent hour after hour hawking myself round different sites, chatting and generally being pleasant in the hope people would click on my name, find I was an author and buy my book. Sigh. The result - a very sore bottom, stiff knees (from all the sitting) and no increase in sales! Time for a rethink.

Now my strategy is simple - Less Is More! My plan is to:

 - Prioritise my WIP, only once I've achieved my daily word count do I  go online to promote.

 - Select a small number of platforms and post on these regularly.
From me this is twitter (which I love), FB and Kindle Boards.

People aren’t stupid. They know when you're dropping in just to promote your book, but by visiting regularly and chatting, you become part of the community rather than a spammer. This has multiple benefits: I've been offered a co-author job, guest spots, featured in newslinks, linked to other blogs… you get the picture.  I hate the expression 'viral', but this it what it amounts to - encouraging other people to spread your name for you!

By concentrating my efforts I've made friends with visitors to these sites, and (on twitter) several now automatically retweet my comments to their followers.

So if you are struggling with promotion, why not consider focussing on three sites and making yourself at home. Get on with your next book and don’t worry about missed opportunities!

Guest post by Grace Elliot.

Grace Elliot leads a double life as a veterinarian by day and author of historical romance by night. Grace works in a companion animal practice near London and is housekeeping staff to five moggies, two teenage sons and a guinea pig. Grace started writing as an antidote to modern life and believes intelligent people have the greatest need to read romance!

If you would like to know more about Grace please visit her blog:

or website:


  1. This is a very good point. I totally agree. One can go overboard with the promoting and have little or no time for actual "new writing."
    Thanks for the reminder! Good post!

  2. very good point!! i spend way too much time on the internet

  3. Excellent advice! It is a hard balancing act - doing enough networking and book promotion but also doing the thing you're supposedly doing the book promotion/networking for - being a writer! Thank you!

  4. Thanks for an excellent article. I spend so much time looking for ways to promote, the only writing I'm doing is blog posts for my own blog and for others.


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