Interview with Lynn Mc Monigal

When did you know you wanted to be a writer?
I have always enjoyed telling stories. When I was 12, my teacher encouraged me to write down the oral stories that I told.  She is also the one who introduced me to my favourite book Anne of Green Gables. From the first time that I read it, I knew I wanted to be a writer, I knew I wanted to create a character as loveable as Anne Shirley.  Not sure that I have done that yet.  In fact, I am quite sure that I haven’t, but I am not going to stop trying.

What genre do you write and why?
I write Christian fiction.  I like to call it Christian Chick Lit, even though my husband thinks that is a somewhat demeaning label.  It covers it well, though.  My stories are about women facing real-life challenges.  Why do I write it?  For a couple of reasons.  One is that I am a woman, and I face a lot of challenges in my daily life.  The main reason, though, is because of my faith in Christ.  He has helped me and my family through some pretty impossible situations.  The best way to thank Him for all He has done is to tell others about Him.  That is not always easy for me to do in conversations, but through my stories, I can.

Tell us about your latest book.
My latest book is Miracle Play.  It’s about two families drawn together by the illness of one little boy.  Jacob is 10 and is nearing the end of his battle with leukemia.  The one treatment option remaining for him forces his mother to face things in her past that she has spent a decade hiding from. 
Miracle Play is about more than just the characters.  It’s a story about healing—not only physical, but emotional healing as well—and about what family really means.    

What marketing methods are you using to promote your book? 
I have done book signings to promote Miracle Play locally.  Because cancer is a big part of this story, I’ve decided to donate 20% of the proceeds to the American Cancer Society. My mother is a 30-year cancer survivor, and we take part in the local Relay for Life every year.  That gives me more opportunities to promote the book, through Relay events and on the local Relay website.  I have also used direct mailings (to churches in the area) and my Facebook page to promote the book.

What formats is the book available in?
Miracle Play is available in paperback and on the Kindle.  I am working on making it available for the Nook, as well, though that won’t be ready until early June.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
I have three sons, ages 11, 8, and 4.  Most of my non-writing time is spent with them.  One plays the viola, one is a skateboarding daredevil, and the youngest is learning how to wrestle.  So that means going to lessons and performances.  I am also very active in our local church, where I serve as the women’s ministry director.  When I have spare time to spend on myself, I am usually scrapbooking or beading. 

Who are your favourite authors?
Oh, I enjoy so many different authors!  My all-time favourite is L.M. Montgomery.  Even now, I read through the entire Anne series about once a year.  I also like Karen Kingsbury, Frank Peretti, and Terri Blackstock.  For the past two years, I have been reviewing books for my website.  Through that, I have discovered new authors that I just adore.  Candace Calvert and Linore Rose Burkhart are two new favourites.  And Christa Allan—wow!  She has written two novels and both of them really speak to me.  It’s like she was given a window into my life and wrote exactly what I needed to read, at the exact time I needed to read it.

What advice do you have for other writers?
There is never a “perfect” time to write.  If you have a story you want to tell, don’t wait to tell it.  Write it down now, while it is fresh in your mind.  If you wait for the perfect time, it will never come.  Either you take the moments you have or you consciously make the time in your schedule to write.

Lynn Mc Monigal
What’s your favourite quote about writing/for writers?
Wow.  I really don’t know!  I saw something once on a t-shirt that might count.  It said, “I never lie, I just write fiction.”  Love that little quote!

What’s the best thing about being a writer?
Being able to work wherever I want, dressed anyway that I want!  This morning, I am at a local coffee shop, sipping a white chocolate and raspberry latte while I work.  Yesterday, I was at home with a sick child so I got to stay in my PJ’s, cuddling with my son as I worked.  What other job could I have where I could do that?

Where can people find out more about you and your writing?
At my website, Lynn’s Corner.  The address is

Anything else you’d like to add?
My 11 year old is a writer also!  He has recently published his first book, The Storm.  You can find out more about that at my website, also.


  1. Thanks for allowing me to stop by today! I enjoyed having the chance to talk to you.



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